'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

Today I recovered something I had lost, made a nice lunch with my brother, ate said lunch, and saw a couple of movies :q

King Chaos said:
Been given the night to relax *Stretches then slumps into big chair*
*Big chair secures and binds King Chaos with metal chains ..then stretches* :heh:

Siren said:
Today my mom made a chocolate cake.

edit: i forgot to mention it's all mine. :p
Don't forget to chew

Child of Time said:
I was told that the gym I'm going to will close for the summer after next week. Sweet.
If by 'close' you mean 'open', then good for you.
surprisingly, something good happened yesterday: mousewings found me the small "ravenclaw" banner that can now be seen in my signature (thanks lina for hosting it). this filled my heart with joy.
Rusty said:
I put in a big (for me) Amazon order today:

- Night Watch by Terry Pratchett
- Johnny and the Dead by Terry Pratchett
- Last Light by Andy McNab
- Darkness Descending by Harry Turtledove
- Tenhi - Vare CD

The books are for when I travel, and for when Santtu gets bored of me and I'm on my own. The CD was an afterthought, since I wanted something else to get me some free shipping.
And these arrived this morning. :cool:
I got to have a temporary reprieve from being stuck in the middle of nowhere, by being allowed to travel 6 hours by bus to come back here and pretend everything was normal for a day and a half before I get sent back out for another 2.5 weeks of boredom.
It will be better if anyone here talks with me.
had a music test today acctually..and my teacher decided to make it a joke
one of the questions i found funny was:

What is Non-Religious music called?
A) Non-Religious Music
B) Secular Music
C) A Waste Of Time
D) Death Metal
My parents bought me this cool digital piano today, it gets delivered tomorrow.I don't play piano though, I'm going to start playing and probably start taking lessons. I can't wait. :Spin:
My EXPOSURES CAME!!!!!!! It's ace, I love the booklet!!!! All the songs are a total treat!

What pissed me off was Terrorizer magazine slagged it off and said Dark tranquillity havnt made any good music since the gallery :( :( :( K-UNiTS!!!!!!!!!!

Misery in me is really good. Some of the darkest sounding stuff I'e heard by DT.

I also got my girlfriend a Dark Tranquillity girly T-shirt!!!!! It looks cool.

and I got myself a kalmah album (swampsong) and a suidakra LS t-shirt!!!!! Im excited to wear and listen to all my ace new stuff. :D :D :D :p
I went flying with a friend. He flew the Cessna... I only took pictures. It was fun.
Today I heard that one of the biggest idiots in the history of mankind, Ronald Reagan, had died. It made me feel good for a moment. Had it just been his current successor and I would have felt great.

i had some amazing food for dinner. dressing for the event was hard because you're not supposed to wear black or dark colours for festive occasions, so i went dressed like a giant fireball.