soo good

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Ha, why even care about satanic lyrics or not? You Christians are so good at appropriating(or should I should I say hijack) musical genres that the next thing you know there'll not only be "Christian metal" but also Christian Satanic Metal!
Then there'd be Christian Atheism, and my bald-as-a-baby's-bottom head will be the next hair fasion fad :dopey:
Lone_Isle said:
Ha, why even care about satanic lyrics or not? You Christians are so good at appropriating(or should I should I say hijack) musical genres that the next thing you know there'll not only be "Christian metal" but also Christian Satanic Metal!
Then there'd be Christian Atheism, and my bald-as-a-baby's-bottom head will be the next hair fasion fad :dopey:

This Guy: 1
Christianity: 0
ShroudOfDusk said:
I am Satan.

Indeed, but using the same logic I could say...

Opeth > Burzum

So technically, all Anti-Christian metal sucks too. Is that right or not?


Oh, and...

Fake poster. Very, very obviously.
Christianmetalheadus said:
I think that it is awesome that there is a forum about opeth! They are soo amazing. Another thing is that they dont have stupid satanic lyrics, that makes them even better to me!

Jesus bless,

Who is Jesus?
Whether or not this particular poster is fake, I don't know. But I do think that Opeth's lyrics make them come off a lot more sophisticated than most metal bands, and that's one of the reasons I like them. They don't feel a need to do what the majority is doing just because it's popular.
Katatonic said:
Indeed, but using the same logic I could say...

Opeth > Burzum

So technically, all Anti-Christian metal sucks too. Is that right or not?

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah,
[/defensive argument]
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