soo good

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Rose Immortal said:
ethereallight--And if a person makes such a choice privately not to listen to a certain thing, without enforcing it upon anybody else, why should there be any problem with what they do? It doesn't affect anybody else.

Never said i had a problem with it..... or did I? Anyhoo I don't remember
Gunhaver said:
opeth originally started out as a Stryper tribute band. and boy, you haven't seen opeth till you've seen akerfeldt in yellow and black spandex
Bobby Z'dar!

Have you seen "Pocket Ninjas?"

(One of) My favorite crack(s) on "Soultaker" is when they are pointing at Z'dar as the Estevez is walking off as if to make him say "Man, that guy's got a small face..."

That fucking kills me.

I"m bringing back the Torgo avatar.
I think The Pope should be featured on the next album, he can rap......he was shot 7 times and survived if that's not gangster I don't want to know what is......
ethereallights said:
I can't stand people who honestly think Satanism is the real thing.... didn't God imprison Satan along time ago in Hell, unless Satan's been lifting weights this whole time and appeals for parole then he goes after God and winds up right back in the slammer. That's what I'm going to call Hell from now on the slammer..... I was just pointing my finger and chastising you like MetalAges told me to.......

Alot of people responded to this thing. Hey guys I am not here to judge anyone. Yes I am a Christian and love Jesus Christ, HE SAVED ME! I have been through many things, drug, alcohol addiction all kinda stuff, Jesus is my everything. I love metal too. I just dont like lyrics that glorify a foe who has been defeated by THE LORD OF ALL! The thing is there are people who say I am for satan, Jesus is stupid or not real or whatever. THey dont even realize that satan was made by God, cast out of Heaven and will be cast into hell for eternity one day. Before you say i dont know what I am talking about, I have dealt with satanic stuff, I have casted a demon out of a 15 yr old girl who's eyes turned as black as night and tried to pick a speaker up and hit me with it, and what caused the demon to leave? The NAME OF JESUS! I am not trying to shove anything down anyone's throat, I will talk about opeth, lighting farts, or my most favorite thing JESUS! Anything you wanna talk about, JESUS loves you guys and I am not condeming anyone, I am here to do nothing but love! I do vocals in a Christian metalcore band called Betrayed With A Kiss, check us out if you wanna!

God bless,
What can I say I don't believe you Christian MetalheadUS. You hear many tales like that but never have I seen and will not believe it until I see or feel proof myself. I feel glad for you that you used belief in the Christian religion to help yourself come out of a dark place in your life. But I do think you posted here just to start a debate on religion, and you barely connected it to Opeth. Personally, though I lean toward atheism, I still have spiritual leanings, but they have nothing to do with a higher power. More of a love and delight in the natural world which I at times rarely get to experience. But as long as you don't commit violence in the name of your beliefs or force them down my throat peace to you my brother in metal.

Hail Satan \m/ :cool: :loco:
Themoor666 said:
Well I think christians who listen to Opeth are cool so long as they, as he said, don't try to shove it down your throat. I myself dunno about that black eyes story.... but I do believe in some wierd shit so eh I'm done rambling now

That's good of you to show such tolerance, it's quite appreciated. :) I don't have any intention of shoving anything down people's throats, either...I've always thought it was rude. Not only that, I've had it done to me. I know how it feels, and it really sucks.

About the black-eyes story, I guess I'd have to have been there to really have an opinion of it. My impulse is skepticism, but without any personal experience, I think it would be pointless for me to say I'm 100% sure one way or the other.
This thread is crazy. I love it.

Gunhaver said:
the existence of the metalcore genre proves to me that there is no god, therefore a christian metalcore band raises all sorts of questions

But yes, one thing I've always wondered about Christians and the such... is what's the deal with Jesus? I mean, is he a metaphor? Because obviously he aint around any more, and some 2000 years of absense would tend to make anyone... very gone. So since obviously he isnt around to 'love everyone' or 'save me'... then how does Jesus work?
ShroudOfDusk said:
But yes, one thing I've always wondered about Christians and the such... is what's the deal with Jesus? I mean, is he a metaphor? Because obviously he aint around any more, and some 2000 years of absense would tend to make anyone... very gone. So since obviously he isnt around to 'love everyone' or 'save me'... then how does Jesus work?

To Christians there's a distinction between physical and spiritual presence. One of the major tenets as I understand it is accepting the concept of an immortal soul that survives the death of the body, that every living thing has. In that way, not being physically present isn't a problem. There's more in the case of Jesus, but to be honest I'm not very good at explaining things when I'm this tired, so I'll leave that part to someone else.
Christianmetalheadus said:
Alot of people responded to this thing. Hey guys I am not here to judge anyone. Yes I am a Christian and love Jesus Christ, HE SAVED ME! I have been through many things, drug, alcohol addiction all kinda stuff, Jesus is my everything. I love metal too. I just dont like lyrics that glorify a foe who has been defeated by THE LORD OF ALL! The thing is there are people who say I am for satan, Jesus is stupid or not real or whatever. THey dont even realize that satan was made by God, cast out of Heaven and will be cast into hell for eternity one day. Before you say i dont know what I am talking about, I have dealt with satanic stuff, I have casted a demon out of a 15 yr old girl who's eyes turned as black as night and tried to pick a speaker up and hit me with it, and what caused the demon to leave? The NAME OF JESUS! I am not trying to shove anything down anyone's throat, I will talk about opeth, lighting farts, or my most favorite thing JESUS! Anything you wanna talk about, JESUS loves you guys and I am not condeming anyone, I am here to do nothing but love! I do vocals in a Christian metalcore band called Betrayed With A Kiss, check us out if you wanna!

God bless,


ethereallights said:
Jesus is basically like a lawyer, when you're in trouble you go to him and he gets you out off the hook.....


wooo, good times, in this thread. especially while listening to the debut maiden album.
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