Spider-Man 2...

Where do you go to see movies? I really want to go to that hi-end theater at Yorktown where you sit in loveseats and you get drinks and dinner. Its something like $20 per person, but I hear its worth it.
I have bad knees, and I have trouble sitting upright in a traditional movie theater seat for 2+ hours. How does your back hold up?
Also, what trailers were played before the movie? Anything good? haha.
Usurper Dan said:
Where do you go to see movies? I really want to go to that hi-end theater at Yorktown where you sit in loveseats and you get drinks and dinner. Its something like $20 per person, but I hear its worth it.
I have bad knees, and I have trouble sitting upright in a traditional movie theater seat for 2+ hours. How does your back hold up?
Also, what trailers were played before the movie? Anything good? haha.

Catwoman preview. This looks HORRIBLE. I will avoid this like the plague!

We just went to the theatre in Countryside. The seats don't move, but it wasnt too bad. Plus, the movie was worth the pain. haha
I too saw it last night. It was very cool, and I agree, much better than teh first. Although I did get to see a preview for Blade 3. But alas, now we have to wait two more years for Spider-man 3 :-(
**Possible spoilers.

Spider-Man 3 is going to be interesting. I'm curious to see what direction they'll take this next movie. Obviously the green goblin will return, but with the introduction of both Conners (Lizard) and Jameson (Man-Wolf), they have an assortment of ways to proceed with villains.

The only thing that disappoints me about the series of movies is that Venom isn't going to be part of it. Venom is great.
Sonnenritter said:
**Possible spoilers.

Spider-Man 3 is going to be interesting. I'm curious to see what direction they'll take this next movie. Obviously the green goblin will return, but with the introduction of both Conners (Lizard) and Jameson (Man-Wolf), they have an assortment of ways to proceed with villains.

The only thing that disappoints me about the series of movies is that Venom isn't going to be part of it. Venom is great.

Don't be so sure on the Venom thing. The entire John Jameson is sort of pointless unless he's the set up for bringing the symbiote back from space. I can't see the Man-Wolf thing happening, because it's one of more lame stories in the comics. Lizard is a sure thing, and I can't see them using the original Green Goblin again. Im hoping if they do, they change the story a bit, and make Harry the Hobgoblin. If you remember in Part 1, J.J.J. asks where "Brock" is, so there was a mention of Eddie Brock. At least i'm hoping for Venom anyway.
I'd love to see Venom, I had heard that Sam Raimi doesn't want to do Venom though. He wanted to stick with all the classic villains he read about like Mysterio and Lizard. Only time will tell, but I'd love to see Venom.
And with Venom you eventually need Carnage. But I figure at this point Venom would be considered a classic villian.
Well Raimi is more of an older "old school" Spider Man fan so to him I guess Venom isn't really considered a "classic" villain. I don't necessarily think of Man-Wolf as being lame really, as long as he wasn't supposed to be the main villain of the movie.
In the new Wizard Magazine, there is a Raimi interview where he says somethig along the line of "Lots of people including myself would like to see Venom in the 3rd film, but it's too early to tell. I'm taking some time off before I start the next film."

So, who knows at this point. There is hope for Venom.

Also, Man-Wolf? I just feel there are SO many other people I would like to see as a secondary villian, then some Wolf-Man.

As much as I wan to see the Lizard, I don't think he can carry an entire movie. A secondary villian, maybe being controlled by someone else would be cool. Mysterio, or sandman, or Electro, or Rhino, or even Hob Goblin would be better then Man-Wolf. hahaha
If they do Hobgoblin, I hope they don't do a metallic mask like with the green goblin. Basically I don't want to see a repainted green goblin.
Novembers Paul said:
In the new Wizard Magazine, there is a Raimi interview where he says somethig along the line of "Lots of people including myself would like to see Venom in the 3rd film, but it's too early to tell. I'm taking some time off before I start the next film."

So, who knows at this point. There is hope for Venom.

Also, Man-Wolf? I just feel there are SO many other people I would like to see as a secondary villian, then some Wolf-Man.

As much as I wan to see the Lizard, I don't think he can carry an entire movie. A secondary villian, maybe being controlled by someone else would be cool. Mysterio, or sandman, or Electro, or Rhino, or even Hob Goblin would be better then Man-Wolf. hahaha
No I agree totally, Man-Wolf would be lame as a main villian. I could see him being involved in the story though on a smaller level. Same with the Lizard. Both being involved in the story would be cool, as long as a bigger villian like Hobgoblin or someone like that was the main villain.

I wouldn't mind seeing Venom in the movies but I think that would work well for perhaps the fourth film, once this whole business with Harry is taken care of. Fourth film should have Venom and Black Cat, I say!
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
No I agree totally, Man-Wolf would be lame as a main villian. I could see him being involved in the story though on a smaller level. Same with the Lizard. Both being involved in the story would be cool, as long as a bigger villian like Hobgoblin or someone like that was the main villain.

I wouldn't mind seeing Venom in the movies but I think that would work well for perhaps the fourth film, once this whole business with Harry is taken care of. Fourth film should have Venom and Black Cat, I say!
Well that chick who was the landlords daughter could be black cat cause that scene with her and peter didn't have anything to do with the movie. That could have been a tie in for the next movie as well.
BalanceofPower said:
Well that chick who was the landlords daughter could be black cat cause that scene with her and peter didn't have anything to do with the movie. That could have been a tie in for the next movie as well.
Not likely, because Black Cat was a rich woman named Felicia who was a classmate of Peter Parker. But its not like they didn't change the story line for the movie. I'm still bothered by the fact that Spider-man doesn't need web shooters, he just fires them from his wrists.