Steve Jobs is Dead

I have never had to change out the battery on any iPod or iPhone I have owned. As far as I can tell pretty much everyone that owns an iPod/iPhone hasn't either. So, in my case as well as the overwhelming majority of iPod/iPhone owners, I don't give a shit about that ability, or lack thereof. Not saying that nobody has had to, but I'd bet anything it's definitely a small minority. But seriously, that's your example of a reason to hate on a device as far as "planned obsolescence"? Really?

You just don't understand what planned obsolescence is. Yet YOU told me to look it up.

I've owned almost 10 iPods now, not because they broke, but because the battery got weak (2 hours, dead battery). I use my iPod (now iPhone) A LOT. To replace that stupid batter you'd have to pay 100 € (authorized Apple-dealer). Everyone I know that upgrades to a new iPod, upgrades for the same reason - weak battery.

Battery gets weak - you can't change the battery (other than paying) - you need to buy a new version of the iPod. Yeah, I'm sure, nothing to do with planned obsolescene.

Just because you don't give a shit, doesn't mean that there isn't a problem.

I'm as much a fanboy as you are of anything you like. Pathetic remark, I lol'ed. Seriously, so tired of that 'ol standby comeback people use, "fanboy," when they have no other intelligent things to say. I really hope that term makes you feel better about yourself when you say it... I suppose we are to believe you have never liked any particular line or brand of products from any company. :rolleyes:
I'd have a lot to say, but it seems you are immune to arguments and blessed with blind faith. Anyways I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings - must be a hard time without Steve. And to make you feel better: I actually use Apple products, a lot - but that doesn't mean I don't see any problem with their behaviour.
We cool now, bro?

You just don't understand what planned obsolescence is. Yet YOU told me to look it up.

I do understand it, perfectly fine. Like I said, I just don't give a shit about the example you presented, because I have never once had to deal with that with any i-product I have ever owned - neither have the overwhelming majority of people that own iPod/iPhone. So, forgive me if I fail to jump on the bandwagon. There is a difference between not understanding something and simply not agreeing with the term you used to describe something that has never happened to me or the majority of users.

I've owned almost 10 iPods now, not because they broke, but because the battery got weak (2 hours, dead battery). I use my iPod (now iPhone) A LOT. To replace that stupid batter you'd have to pay 100 € (authorized Apple-dealer). Everyone I know that upgrades to a new iPod, upgrades for the same reason - weak battery.

Battery gets weak - you can't change the battery (other than paying) - you need to buy a new version of the iPod. Yeah, I'm sure, nothing to do with planned obsolescene.
Bla bla bla... I had the iPod that first had the click wheel for yearrrrrrrrsssss before I got an iPod Touch, and got the touch ONLY to take advantage of touch-screen and apps. The wheel iPod I had still worked perfectly fine - battery and all - when I sold it. Not to say the battery was 100% as the day I got it, that's just silly, batteries do weaken over time. However, the battery in mine I suppose was some Super Duper iBattery because the battery never gave me a problem...

Just because you don't give a shit, doesn't mean that there isn't a problem.
I didn't say it wasn't a problem. In fact, if you re-read my reply to you I said I don't believe it has never been an issue for anyone. But it's definitely a very small minority of users - therefore, I certainly don't give a shit.

I'd have a lot to say, but it seems you are immune to arguments and blessed with blind faith.
Nope, incorrect. I'm all for a solid argument though, let me know when you have one. Blind faith? Not at all, my experience with Apple has been nothing but great, no problems to date after years of using their shit. But I guess because I have a great experience with a company's products and continue to buy them and enjoy them, by your count, I am just a "fanboy." Silly me for sticking with a company that hasn't done me wrong yet. :rolleyes:

Anyways I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings - must be a hard time without Steve.
Nope, incorrect. Sure, sucks he died and all that, but am I upset? Not at all. I hardly care when a relative of mine dies, you think I will be upset over someone I didn't even know? lol...

We cool now, bro?

I do understand it, perfectly fine. Like I said, I just don't give a shit about the example you presented, because I have never once had to deal with that with any i-product I have ever owned - neither have the overwhelming majority of people that own iPod/iPhone. So, forgive me if I fail to jump on the bandwagon. There is a difference between not understanding something and simply not agreeing with the term you used to describe something that has never happened to me or the majority of users.

You don't understand it. It's not something we can discuss.
"Non user-replacable batteries" = planned obsolescence. Period. Or - if you want to take it that far - planned failure (iPhone).

You clearly do not own an iPhone. After a year the battery is so weak that I need to recharge it ATLEAST every day. This would be an easy fix - change the battery, done. Doesn't work - so yeah, need to buy an new iPhone.
But since you know "the overwehlming majority of people" that own an iPhone, I'm sure you can tell more about the "iPhone battery issue".

(Edit before post:
5 seconds of googeling.)

Bla bla bla... I had the iPod that first had the click wheel for yearrrrrrrrsssss before I got an iPod Touch, and got the touch ONLY to take advantage of touch-screen and apps. The wheel iPod I had still worked perfectly fine - battery and all - when I sold it. Not to say the battery was 100% as the day I got it, that's just silly, batteries do weaken over time. However, the battery in mine I suppose was some Super Duper iBattery because the battery never gave me a problem...

Batteries weaken over time, but this is not the point. The point is that it is a non user-replacable battery. Apple does this intentionally therefore it is planned obsolescence. It would be easy to make the battery user-replacable.

Nope, incorrect. I'm all for a solid argument though, let me know when you have one. Blind faith? Not at all, my experience with Apple has been nothing but great, no problems to date after years of using their shit. But I guess because I have a great experience with a company's products and continue to buy them and enjoy them, by your count, I am just a "fanboy." Silly me for sticking with a company that hasn't done me wrong yet. :rolleyes:
Okay, you are so butt-hurt about the fanboy thing. I take it back. I posted something "bad" about a company you only had good experience with. You personally attacked me. You're not a fanboy, sorry. Silly me. Edit: happens a lot with people who like Apple products. Must be a coincidence.
I am not butt hurt about the fanboy shit. Actually, keep using it, every time you do I just laugh at you and your ignorance. It truly is hilarious that people resort to that pathetic nonsense remark. It makes NO sense. Please forgive me for telling you about my experience with something. I really do apologize if I like something. I'm sorry if I like a company because of my experiences with it and the products I have purchased from them. Apparently liking something nowadays means you are automatically branded a fanboy. I really, truly, hope you do not like anything in the world, because you are just a fanboy, like me and anyone else. Do you really think Apple owners are the only people that talk about their good experiences with products? Really? Really? I just wish that people would grow up and use their noodle for something other than a hat rack every once in a while, that's all. Ooooo wait, I suppose that I am an intelligence fanboy too, eh? :lol:

Seriously, all this boils down to is you have an issue with the battery. That's fine. Yes, by definition, the battery being non user-replaceable is planned obsolescence. Under warranty. Because you can replace it all you want. You know that, right? It's incredibly clear that the overwhelming majority do not agree it being a major issue. How do I know this? It's the #1 selling phone, and just broke sales records again with the latest version. Obviously the battery isn't very much of an issue, is it? Oh, wait, I forgot, they are just fanboys, so that doesn't count, right? But if the same was said about any other phone, they wouldn't be fanboys, right? Android users are fanboys. Windows users are fanboys. Schwinn bicycle riders are fanboys. Protools users are fanboys. You're a fanboy, I'm a fanboy, we're all fanboys. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... fucking stupid.

I can find all kinds of shit on Google too, like people that say the Holocaust never happened, or that global warming is a hoax, or bloggers that swore up and down the 4S would flop to get cheap page views. I hope you'll excuse me if I take your links with a grain of salt, so to speak. I'm sure I could find at the very least just as many sites talking about the battery not being a big deal.

I never said Apple or their i-products had no faults. They do. It's just that I, and many, many others do not agree with the fault you seem to be so up in arms about. That's all. But fuck us, we're fanboys.
After a year the battery is so weak that I need to recharge it ATLEAST every day.

OH NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

*sigh* Just charge your damn phone and shut up. Plenty of people have to charge their phones everyday.

Except me, mine is connected to solar flares from the sun and kicks ass bc I have the new iBombass Battery from Apple.:headbang:
Seriously, all this boils down to is you have an issue with the battery. That's fine. Yes, by definition, the battery being non user-replaceable is planned obsolescence.

No, wrong. I don't have an issue with the battery. I don't have any problem with Apple or their prodcuts.
YOU personally attacked me.
Maybe you should look up what planned obsolescence means again while you make your way back to the kiddie table.

I was just definding myself. I mentioned the "battery issue" only as an example to show, that actually YOU have no idea what planned obsolescence is.

I get it, you're not a fanboy. You just randomly attack other people for posting (true) statements about a company, that you like.

bla bla bla

I never said it wasn't true. In fact, I said that a couple of times in my replies. Thank you, again, for calling me a fanboy. Because I argue that the battery bullshit isn't an issue the majority cares about, I am a fanboy. Sure...
I never said it wasn't true. In fact, I said that a couple of times in my replies. Thank you, again, for calling me a fanboy. Because I argue that the battery bullshit isn't an issue the majority cares about, I am a fanboy. Sure...

Are you trolling me? Seriously.

I never said you are a fanboy for the "battery bullshit". You are a fanboy for attacking me because I made a negative (and in fact, true) statement about a company. YOU told me "to look it up on my way back to the kiddie table" implying that my statement was wrong, while we could have had a civilized discussion. You chose to insult me while, in fact, YOU were wrong and the whole "battery bullshit" was just an EXAMPLE to educate you what planned obsolescence is.

5 seconds of googeling: Definition of fanboy.
"A pathetic insult often used by fanboys themselves to try and put down people who don't like whatever it is they like."

See the similarities with your initial post? No? Then read first line of this post.

Both of you guys need to have sex with each other.. its obvious that you have some sort of sexual tension between you.