Steve Jobs is Dead

Everything is 50% luck vs 50% knowledge/motivation.
People putting flowers near every Apple store gives me the creeps..yuk!
Get real, he was just a business entrepreneur with some nice ideas.
If he did invent it, somebody else would've.

I'm a 100% Mac guy. No PC will roam my house, but the whole Steve Jobs is dead hysteria is a bit stupid, again, get real.

Exactly :D
Although I'm not particularly a fan of Steve Jobs himself, I just wanted to say : you cannot lead a company to such a success with "chance". The guy was a really good manager, and this doesn't necessarily mean a "cool guy". He was known for his difficult character, but it's sometimes what works.

I only understood the genius behind Apple when I got my first apple computer (a current macbook pro), although it's half white half "evil" cause of the addiction and the consumer lock you can feel growing in you when you get into a product, and it's all good as long as you accept to enter it, and to be honest it's not like it changed my life, or if it did, it did in a good way. In the end of the day, I still feel like using a personal computer, the only difference is that it feels smoother and more stable than my crappy previous ASUS. I mean, people always say Apple didn't invent anything, they just recycle ideas and add some good marketing on top of it, but that's not true. Both Microsoft and Apple (and IBM, and so on) have their share of paternity in many things that changed our life wether we like it or not. But what other company can say "ok guys, in a few days, when you take a picture in any of your devices, it will be instantly synchronized in all your other devices, we take care of the technical side of this". People don't understand what's behind this, the softwares and the coordination of their developments, the parks of servers, the long time strategy (and they proved to be pretty efficient), the HUGE technical challenge etc. Luck is only a tiny part of all of it. Good or bad, depends on the opinion, but Apple IS a pretty unique company.
Haven't really read through the post (didn't really care for jobs death, no more than any other human being), just had to post this

Not all people are CEOs of an IT company, but they still worship Jobs.

Almost all of internet is sitting on UNIX, most super computers, that do simulations of crashes to prevent deaths and do calculations for discovering new drugs and similar stuff, are based on UNIX, majority of phones are based on UNIX, there are big chances your refrigerator is based on UNIX... Now that I think of it, yes, there are no ads for UNIX - of course no one can comprehend the magnitude of Richie's importance.
Maybe you should look up what planned obsolescence means again while you make your way back to the kiddie table.

But you do understand that even "style obsolescence" is a part of planned obsolescence, yes?

Just the fact that you can't change batteries on you iPod, iPhone and iPad is enough to support my statement.

But you fanboys will never understand.
Didn't Jobs have pancreatic cancer?

I was under the impression if you got pancreatic cancer, you're as good as dead.

yeah but he had a rare kind that was mild and could've been cured through surgery cause it was detected on time.

Yes, he probably doomed himself, but nobody can judge the decisions taken by a man when told he has cancer. It's a heavy burden, and decisions won't get any more "life or death" than that, so nobody can say "what a dumbass he killed himself" until they've been in their shoes.
I have never had to change out the battery on any iPod or iPhone I have owned, I'd hardly say I'm alone in that among other iPod/iPhone users on the planet. So, in my case, I don't give a shit about that ability, or lack thereof. I'm sure the overwhelming majority would also agree since they have never had to bother with it. Nice try though.

After a year and a half my old iPod Nano's battery was down to about 30 minutes life from full charge. I could either get Apple to replace it for $100, or buy a battery off eBay and do it myself (not easy, you ahve to solder and shit). I did the latter.. battery life instantly went back to 15+ hours.

My year and a half-old iPod Touch's battery is not what it was. The home button doesn't work well anymore (pressing it either works, doesn't do anything, or double-taps). It doesn't run nearly as well as it used to, despite completely restoring it to upgrade to ios5. In other words, despite being Apple it's a computer just like anything else (PC, Mac, Android, whatever) - it decays and breaks down and that's life. It does get on my nerves when people pretend Apple products are immune to this.
But you do understand that even "style obsolescence" is a part of planned obsolescence, yes?

Just the fact that you can't change batteries on you iPod, iPhone and iPad is enough to support my statement.

I have never had to change out the battery on any iPod or iPhone I have owned. As far as I can tell pretty much everyone that owns an iPod/iPhone hasn't either. So, in my case as well as the overwhelming majority of iPod/iPhone owners, I don't give a shit about that ability, or lack thereof. Not saying that nobody has had to, but I'd bet anything it's definitely a small minority. But seriously, that's your example of a reason to hate on a device as far as "planned obsolescence"? Really?

Pex said:
But you fanboys will never understand.

I'm as much a fanboy as you are of anything you like. Pathetic remark, I lol'ed. Seriously, so tired of that 'ol standby comeback people use, "fanboy," when they have no other intelligent things to say. I really hope that term makes you feel better about yourself when you say it... I suppose we are to believe you have never liked any particular line or brand of products from any company. :rolleyes:


Back on topic, aye?
yeah but he had a rare kind that was mild and could've been cured through surgery cause it was detected on time.

Yes, he probably doomed himself, but nobody can judge the decisions taken by a man when told he has cancer. It's a heavy burden, and decisions won't get any more "life or death" than that, so nobody can say "what a dumbass he killed himself" until they've been in their shoes.

Yes, I agree with you 100%

When you're told you have cancer, and even more so with this kind of cancer Jobs're desperate, it's one of the fastest and deadliest.

My mother has some experience on cancer ( survived to two, my father died from cancer) and collaborates with a cancer association. When the news said he had pancreatic cancer, all she said was "it's a shame, hope the remaining months he's resting"

If somebody tells you "I offer you an alternative way to survive" having tried everything with no results...I bet you'll jump on it. We all would fall for it.

In short, we cannot judge if he did the best or the worst, since it's a really delicate situation and we'll never understand what's going on the mind when you're told you have that kind of disease.
If somebody tells you "I offer you an alternative way to survive" having tried everything with no results...I bet you'll jump on it. We all would fall for it.

But the implication of the article is that he didn't try everything else, just went straight for the BS alternative holistic route - my Dad is currently coming into the home stretch of beating colon cancer after the usual 3-4 months of the chemo/radiation combo, surgery to remove the growth, and now follow-up chemo, so western medicine ftw as far as I'm concerned!