Steve Jobs is Dead

Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.

They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,
disbelieve them, glorify them or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.

Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal.
They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.
Because while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

And it's the people who are crazy enough to think they can
change the world who actually do.
He didn't make the world a better place...he only did some innovation in the computer/phone industry and market. He was great in what he did but that's all.... I can't call Jobs a hero.
No doubt an admirable person, got shit done. Made the world a better place is kind of over the top I would say, he sure made MY life better but the world in general is bit of an overstatement. Still, nothing but respect, and he died of the same disease that took my father's life 8 months ago, so I was kinda expecting it, knowing how it works. Fuck Cancer, I hope someday the Iphone 10 comes with the cure for cancer
I get a MacBook (never been a fan real of Apple due to the pricing, but I need one now) and Steve Jobs dies 2 days afterwards.
I had no idea he was going to die, so that was quite a surprise to hear
RIP, but "world a better place" I don't think that...he made a lot of funny little toys nobody really "needs", but his afford for the whole PC concept were huge I guess
He made daily life a bit easy/fun by the use of his inventions, at least the ipod made my music hearing experience so much easier in many ways, RIP, i didn´t follow his life, but he was a great mind for sure.
No doubt an admirable person, got shit done. Made the world a better place is kind of over the top I would say, he sure made MY life better but the world in general is bit of an overstatement. Still, nothing but respect, and he died of the same disease that took my father's life 8 months ago, so I was kinda expecting it, knowing how it works. Fuck Cancer, I hope someday the Iphone 10 comes with the cure for cancer

IMO he was a remarkable innovator of technology and a savvy business person. No more.
I was making a comparison with Bill Gates when I mentioned philanthropy.. Gates is a HUGE philanthropist, whilst Jobs eliminated ALL philanthropy programs in Apple around 1997-98, right after he regained control as CEO... Beautiful human my arse.

BTW, I still remember your post about your dad, it impacted me a lot, I think it passed ignored.. Very sorry for your loss.
Steve Jobs was personally responsible for:

1.) The murder of puppies in China
2.) The holocaust
3.) The gum disease gingivitis

1.) Ipad that my wife plays angry birds on.
2.) The company my sister in law works for and which has paid her absurd amounts of money.

I would say the pros far outweigh the cons.

Cant say I'm an apple user but can definitely appreciate what this guy has done as far as his products go.

As for all the hate towards him, I don't think its fair to judge without actually knowing him. It's easy to look at the factory worker suicides and say he was an arsehat, but if i was running a company as big as the one he was running I would imagine it being very hard to keep up with the ins and outs of whats going on with your company all the time. Yes its a major fuck up indeed, but he was only human and when running a company that size I'm guessing it would be easy to miss things every now and then. It only takes a few arseholes to make your whole company look bad.

Anyways R.I.P Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was personally responsible for:

1.) The murder of puppies in China
2.) The holocaust
3.) The gum disease gingivitis

1.) Ipad that my wife plays angry birds on.
2.) The company my sister in law works for and which has paid her absurd amounts of money.

I would say the pros far outweigh the cons.


^You never fail to bring the lulz dude :lol::lol: But yes, RIP Steve Jobs, and however you want to put it, the iPod, iPhone and Pixar were huge changes with long legacies; changed their respective worlds (mobile entertainment and films, respectively) I suppose would be more accurate
Being serious for a few brief moments here.
Steve Jobs real contribution to society was not Iphones or Ipods.

It was his contribution to and further development of personal computers and operating systems, which have indeed revolutionized the way individuals and business process data, design things, etc.

I remember when the cutting edge home computer was a Commodore 64. Now I have a desktop computer at work that can do Finite Element Analysis and do it quickly (if you know what FEA is you are a nerd). That was not even imaginable 15 years ago.

Did Steve Jobs and Apple do things for free? No they made boat loads of money, but I get payed to go to work to so it does not bother me.

End seriousness.

Death to capitalist swine!
Never owned an Apple product in my life, so I only care about this as much as I would any other person to die of the disease - which is to say, quite a bit, as it's a terrible affliction and needs to be eradicated before we lose more good people for no reason.