Steve Jobs is Dead

Cant say I'm an apple user but can definitely appreciate what this guy has done as far as his products go.

As for all the hate towards him, I don't think its fair to judge without actually knowing him. It's easy to look at the factory worker suicides and say he was an arsehat, but if i was running a company as big as the one he was running I would imagine it being very hard to keep up with the ins and outs of whats going on with your company all the time. Yes its a major fuck up indeed, but he was only human and when running a company that size I'm guessing it would be easy to miss things every now and then. It only takes a few arseholes to make your whole company look bad.

Anyways R.I.P Steve Jobs


Really? The factory suicides didn't happen at Apple, but at Foxconn. Foxconn manufactures a bunch of stuff...

Acer Inc.
Sony Ericsson

You support terrible working environments anytime you buy products made in countries with little to no labor laws.
Steve Jobs was as responsible for those things as YOU are for the diamond trade.


And your analogy is completely retarded.
You would be just as responsible for the diamondtrade as you are for what happens at Foxconn.

When you buy a diamond you don't buy it directly from a conflict area, just like you're not buying your iPad directly from Foxconn.

Steve Jobs was without doubt responsible for those things as he was the CEO of the company at that time, and there is absolutely no doubt that he knew what was going on.
Thinking anything else is completely absurd and naive.

That being said, i honestly don't give a fuck.. i work in a music store and sell guitars for 150$ on a daily basis and theres no chance in hell that you can manufacture guitars that cheap, ship them from the factory in china to the Swedish distributors, and then being able to sell it for 150$ without some fucked up working conditions.

Lets say that everyone takes 20%(Everyone has more profit irl of course.):
The shops sell it for 150$, the distributor sells it for 120$, the shipping company takes 24$, the manufacturer sells it for 77$ and they buy the wood for lets say 20$.
Now.. what are the working conditions for the people selling the wood and manufacturing the guitar if the companies are supposed to profit and pay salary?

This applies to everything thats cheap today, its just the way it is.. if you don't like it, stop buying things manufactured in China, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam etc.
.. if you don't like it, stop buying things manufactured in China, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam etc.

I absolutely agree. What pisses me off are people saying Bill Gates is an almighty philanthropist and Steve Jobs is the devil when both Apple and Microsoft employ Foxconn and the working conditions that drive employees to suicide.

We need to cut the fan boy crap and realize if you are buying products made in countries with little to no labor laws you support evil crap! But this is a metal community so evil crap is kinda cool.
And your analogy is completely retarded.

My analogy was DELIBERATELY retarded, in order to point out the RETARDEDNESS of the original statement.

Steve Jobs had no control over those situations. As has been pointed out - it was Foxconn, who manufacturer a lot of different companies products.

Also, yes... he was the CEO. That doesn't mean he knows about everything going on in his organization - that's why CTO's and other managerial positions exist. He would've gotten a summary perhaps, but expecting him to know all the details is ludicrous and naive about the way businesses work.

So this...

Steve Jobs was without doubt responsible for those things as he was the CEO of the company at that time, and there is absolutely no doubt that he knew what was going on.
Thinking anything else is completely absurd and naive.

Is witohut a doubt... BULLSHIT...

And it's obvious you don't give a fuck. Otherwise you would've put some thought into your arguments, and would activated the "reading comprehension" plasmid.
Being serious for a few brief moments here.
Steve Jobs real contribution to society was not Iphones or Ipods.

It was his contribution to and further development of personal computers and operating systems, which have indeed revolutionized the way individuals and business process data, design things, etc.

I remember when the cutting edge home computer was a Commodore 64. Now I have a desktop computer at work that can do Finite Element Analysis and do it quickly (if you know what FEA is you are a nerd). That was not even imaginable 15 years ago.

Did Steve Jobs and Apple do things for free? No they made boat loads of money, but I get payed to go to work to so it does not bother me.

End seriousness.

Death to capitalist swine!

IMO he was a remarkable innovator of technology and a savvy business person. No more.
I was making a comparison with Bill Gates when I mentioned philanthropy.. Gates is a HUGE philanthropist, whilst Jobs eliminated ALL philanthropy programs in Apple around 1997-98, right after he regained control as CEO... Beautiful human my arse.

BTW, I still remember your post about your dad, it impacted me a lot, I think it passed ignored.. Very sorry for your loss.

Thank you for the condolences. I do agree with you on that though, I'm not sure if you were just confirming my point or you believed I was saying the opposite.
He - as the almighty iGod - pushed planned obsolescence to new heights.

He didn't do anything for mankind - just for his own pocket.
He - as the almighty iGod - pushed planned obsolescence to new heights.

He didn't do anything for mankind - just for his own pocket.

only thing reaching new heights here is your ignorance. planned obsolescence?

they might have not always been riding the wave of technical advance but generally speaking, in terms of durability of use Apple products beat the fuck out of many, many others. at the very least, they aren't really any worse than any other company.

he certainly succeeded in one thing; making his face the face of Apple. now everyone thinks he's behind every fucking single step Apple ever took.
I was confirming what you said Dan ;)

Steve Jobs was without doubt responsible for those things as he was the CEO of the company at that time, and there is absolutely no doubt that he knew what was going on.
Thinking anything else is completely absurd and naive.

That being said, i honestly don't give a fuck.. i work in a music store and sell guitars for 150$ on a daily basis and theres no chance in hell that you can manufacture guitars that cheap, ship them from the factory in china to the Swedish distributors, and then being able to sell it for 150$ without some fucked up working conditions.

Lets say that everyone takes 20%(Everyone has more profit irl of course.):
The shops sell it for 150$, the distributor sells it for 120$, the shipping company takes 24$, the manufacturer sells it for 77$ and they buy the wood for lets say 20$.
Now.. what are the working conditions for the people selling the wood and manufacturing the guitar if the companies are supposed to profit and pay salary?

This applies to everything thats cheap today, its just the way it is.. if you don't like it, stop buying things manufactured in China, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam etc.

So true. I'm not saying Jobs alone created this scenario, but he certainly envisioned and executed the business model that would propel Apple into what it is today, and he (yes, he) was about to push things even further in terms of production for iPhone 4S and iPhone5.
And to the people saying he didn't know how or where his products were being made....

And BTW I never said Gates is an saint or anything like that. They were both ruthless, aggressive businessman & successful CEOs, but when you compare them, Gates at least has a sense of social conscience.

without actually working for the company anymore? please elaborate.

The guy stepped down as CEO 6 weeks ago.

He was well involved into the developments of iPhone4, 5 and the iPads, along with deadlines and plans to expand production. Here's a speech rehearsal for iPhone 5:

Anyway, RIP.
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I don't think anyone here truly knows if Jobs was a good man or a bad man. We can't use ex employees quotes on blogs as truth. Seems like all you can really say is RIP and try and be respectful, anything else is out of line.
The guy stepped down as CEO 6 weeks ago.

He was well involved into the developments of iPhone4, 5 and the iPads, along with deadlines and plans to expand production. Here's a speech rehearsal for iPhone 5:

Anyway, RIP.

I know I'm stating the obvious here but I would bet both of my testicles that video is fake.

He - as the almighty iGod - pushed planned obsolescence to new heights.


My first Mac (PowerMac G5) lasted nearly ten years before being incapable of keeping up with today's software demands on a CPU. My PowerBook G4 still runs like a fucking champ and it's almost 10 years old now too. Let's not forget the surprising amount of people still using an iPhone 3G. Maybe you should look up what planned obsolescence means again while you make your way back to the kiddie table.
We need to cut the fan boy crap and realize if you are buying products made in countries with little to no labor laws you support evil crap! But this is a metal community so evil crap is kinda cool.


My analogy was DELIBERATELY retarded, in order to point out the RETARDEDNESS of the original statement.

Steve Jobs had no control over those situations. As has been pointed out - it was Foxconn, who manufacturer a lot of different companies products.

Yes, its true that he didn't have control over those situations at that time, but you really don't think he could have done anything about it once it was brought up? Other then pushing them even harder that is.

Also, yes... he was the CEO. That doesn't mean he knows about everything going on in his organization - that's why CTO's and other managerial positions exist. He would've gotten a summary perhaps, but expecting him to know all the details is ludicrous and naive about the way businesses work.

All the details? Like that mass suicides where going on in the factory or that a huge part of it exploded and definitely halted production?
The news about the working conditions in Foxconn reached the media _YEARS_ ago, and Apple went on to "improve" their working conditions.
Now its even worse, and i still claim that theres absolutely no doubt that Steve knew about this(Its been "out there" for a long time.).

So this...

Is witohut a doubt... BULLSHIT...


And it's obvious you don't give a fuck. Otherwise you would've put some thought into your arguments, and would activated the "reading comprehension" plasmid.

Some thought into my arguments?
Maybe you should do the same, instead of trying to act like you know things you don't.

So true. I'm not saying Jobs alone created this scenario, but he certainly envisioned and executed the business model that would propel Apple into what it is today, and he (yes, he) was about to push things even further in terms of production for iPhone 4S and iPhone5.
And to the people saying he didn't know how or where his products were being made....

Yup, im definitely not going to take that away from him, he was a true corporate genius.

And BTW I never said Gates is an saint or anything like that. They were both ruthless, aggressive businessman & successful CEOs, but when you compare them, Gates at least has a sense of social conscience.

Bill and Melinda Gates have donated over 20 billion dollars, most of it through their foundation that in its turn raises even more money for charity.
That being said Bill Gates have also contracted Foxconn and many different manufacturers with similar working conditions over the years.