still life re mixed

wow ive been overlooking this thread for a while. this is fabulous news. my only flaw with still life is the sound. this mix could make still life my fav. plus new artwork by travis smith, good good news.
hmm no^

When i listened to gr on the ol 5.1 it just seemed echoey to me. I hope still life isnt the same seeing as there is a monumental amount of reverb on the drums.
That reverb isn't on the master tracks though, so any added hardware or software reverb like that wont necessarily be in this new remix.
I've had Still Life for a while now, and I've NEVER heard any dropouts. Is there something wrong with my album (or in this context, right)?
Before knowing that there were those "errors" in Still Life I never noticed them. Though when I read of this on the forum (not on this topic), I noticed, and now it bugs me everytime :erk: particularly on The Moor.

Will the ending of Serenity (or was it Moonlapse?) be there on the remix?
Will the ending of Serenity (or was it Moonlapse?) be there on the remix?

the ending of serenity painted death is supposed to be that way, basic faq stuff... it's there for a reason :)

dropouts are very evident during the "pale touch, writing in the embers" part of the moor.
Still Life was my favorite album before Ghost Reveries. Now I'd say they're more or less tied in my mind, because looking back on everything pre GR (except, I think, the work with Steven Wilson... but I still have some problems with Deliverance), the production has a hard time holding up. The muddiness and brightness that I once found to be brutal and black metal and cool just sounds... too muddy and bright. Jens Bogren's work on GR gave us clarity not heard before on any metal-influenced Opeth album - and it was still brutal. It was darker than ever before, with each part having more distinction than ever before, and I could really hear Mendez for once! If Bogren can bring this to Still Life, it will be so good, no fanboyism will be able to describe it.

Travis Smith just rules. The original cover art for Still Life is perfect in all of our minds, and while I'm so excited for new art depicting the concept from the album, I hope he leaves the weeping Melinda (that's what it is... right?) picture more or less as it is. Just don't make it a literal still life.

Lastly, 5.1 is better than stereo, but it'll be playable in stereo too, right? Like with Lamentations, and the deluxe GR release?