Studio Report & other news updates *updated 1/10/06*

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Jax said:
Why are you here when you proclaim far and wide that you don't even like the band? Just like to start shit?

Suffice it to say that factors that you and the general public are not privy to were part of the decision to skip the Gigantour.

I was a fan of the band, and no matter how much I dislike the music now, I really think they should be succesful. Is it really that bad for me to want this band to do good and become a little bit popular?

I really dont care about the factors that I dont know... I base myself under the official excuse to skip the tour. Not to mention THERE IS no valid excuse to NOT do this tour. Hell not even a label deadline (since exposure of the band would also favor the label), nothing... and if there is, just to be on record, I have to say that the official excuse is well... lame. So all I'm hopeing is that a) They change their minds or b) They come up with a more valid excuse, if there ever will be.
Jax said:
MJR has written almost 2 hours worth of music, & is now taking the time to find the right song title and lyrical content for each song.

To what degree do the other band members affect the songwriting? Is Romeo writing the entire album by himself?

The tracks I liked less on the Odyssey were the ones Romeo wrote either completely or mostly by himself (not including the title track). Perhaps it's a reflection of the fact that Pinnella is credited in most tracks from V that I prefer that album more. In fact, while I love everything Symphony X has done, I usually find the songs that were written by several members of the band together turn out the best.

Along the lines of the "Thomas Miller" thread recently started, it would indeed be nice if Lepond was given some time to shine. Less time was given to keyboards than I would have liked on The Odyssey, and less still for bass work. It just felt a little unbalanced in favour of heavy guitars.

Oops, that turned into a bit of a dig at The Odyssey :oops: Still absolutely love it though :D

So yeah, anyway the original question was: Is Romeo going to be the only one with writing credits on the new Symphony X album?
You never know, maybe Pinnella and a few of the others have tons of music, too...which is a very nice thought. :)
QUOTE:I was a fan of the band, and no matter how much I dislike the music now, I really think they should be succesful. Is it really that bad for me to want this band to do good and become a little bit popular?
I don't think the band or the fans care about the popularity if it doesn't mean staying true to them selves!
How has the band's progress been with the new album since getting off of Gigantour? Have they finished any songs yet, thought of an album title, etc?
Its been a while since any updates, and I, most likely along with everyone else, is probably curious as to what's up with the band.
ptah knemu said:
How has the band's progress been with the new album since getting off of Gigantour? Have they finished any songs yet, thought of an album title, etc?
I guess not.
Update directly from Mike; he e-mailed this to me yesterday:


Here is an update as to how things are going…

Well, it's November and we have most of the music written, and about half the lyrics finished. Over the next month, we'll work out the arrangements and start putting it all together. This one is taking a bit longer than we expected. There was alot of 'starting and stopping' with the writing, (between the tours and other unexpected things happening... like flooded studios, that kinda crap). So there have been some monkey-wrenches thrown into our usual way of working.

In the past, it was like this: we'd spend a few weeks talking about some basic ideas and direction for the music / lyrics - then spend eight months to a year writing and putting it all together. Things happen faster that way - you have a goal and direction and you just dedicate your time to make it happen. This time things were a bit different; writing for a while - then on the road - then back to writing - and so on... and inspiration isn't something that you can 'turn on and off', it comes when it comes. You might work on something one day - and like where it is heading - but then stop for a month, come back, and find it difficult to get your mind-set back to the point where you left off. And, although it sounded like a good idea at the time, the phrase "we can write songs on the bus" wasn't happening - too many distractions and other crap going on.

Anyway…to sum it all up, the initial writing process took a little longer than usual - aside from all that, everything else is cool. Things are moving at a good pace now and I'm thinking we can start the actual recording in a month or two.

Once we get to the point where we are tracking – we can get some updates happening (studio reports, some pics, etc.). I know the 'natives are getting restless' - but for now, there isn't a whole lot to say… just tell everyone to hang in there!


So there you have it, from the man himself.
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