Stupid Threads and Negativity!


Evacuate, Assemble here..
Jan 15, 2003
Mittagong, NSW Australia
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I have had enough of all the rubbish that posters on this board are coming up with in regards to "Watershed"

Put simply, there aren't may bands that when a new album is released, I find it so addictive and compelling that it is quite hard to listen to anything else for a few months. Opeth, Katatonia and Porcupine Tree are three bands that completely compliment my musical taste with every release.

Watershed is no different.

As a music fan of 16 years (since I discovered Metallica when I was 15) I have been exploring many styles of music to find "magic" bands that just encapsulate everything i want in an aural feast. Opeth in particular are one such band.

So basically I would like to aplogize to Mikael and Opeth for all the "so-called" fans that frequent this forum, who type alot of insulting things about the art you are letting us enjoy.

Yeah sure posters will say "opinions are everyones right" and "taste is individual" yadayada, but essentially, if you didn't absolutely appreciate the what Opeth are offering to their fans, what the hell are you doing here??

Thanks Opeth for giving me and the majority of your fans an absolute treat with Watershed and please continue letting us share the art you want to release!
You told me, I see you rise
But, it always falls
I see you come, I see you go
You say, "All things pass into the night"
And I say, "Oh no sir I must say you're wrong
I must disagree, oh no sir, I must say you're wrong"
Won't you listen to me

You told me, I've seen it all before
Been there, I've seen my hopes and dreams
A lying on the ground
I've seen the sky just begin to fall
And you say, "All things pass into the night"
And I say, "Oh no sir, I must say you're wrong
I must disagree, oh no sir, I must say you're wrong"
Won't you listen to me

Good-bye horses I'm flying over you
Good-bye horses I'm flying over you
I absolutely agree with you Schism on what you've said. I remember that you posted in the thread from a guy saying that he would prefer Hessian Peel without lyrics, and once again agreed with ya (that the thread was dumb). Seriously, I find myself pretty stupid to not have loved that album in the beginning. Right now, I just can't not listen to it when thinking of listening to something. Opeth's style has changed sure, but there are so much of their own in it, it's still such the same good thing to listen to. Their art is just exploring new and very interesting ways and that is just great. I want to suggest to anyone who thinks they're taking a wrong way musically to fully listen to Watershed, with all your attention, at least 3 times before judging of it.
Talk about flamebaiting...

Watershed, though by Opeth, is my least favorite album of the their discography.

That said, it's still a good album compared to anything else that isn't Opeth. It's still good in comparison with their older work. It just doesn't hit me the same way their other stuff does. Again though, there are some really brilliant moments in Watershed.


Nuff said.
Yes, it's the band's own forum, but does the band really only want gushers? Or also the fans that maybe are dissapointed for Watershed (and hopefully can explain why in complete sentences)? I love all Opeth albums but not so much Blackwater Park and Damnation - am I not tr00 enough to be on the forum for this reason? Even though Opeth remains, without a shred of doubt, my number one favorite band ever, the only band I have bothered to see several times live, the only band for which I actually collect stuff I don't really need? The only band whose logo I have seriously considered getting tattooed (at least the "o")?

If an Opeth-fan can't be honest regarding a new release on the forum, there is something very wrong. Yes, there's a difference between saying, as an example, "Watershed sucks steaming cock" & a deeper look into what problems you find with the CD, but come on. The whole premise of the thread is elitist and snobbish.

My 2 cents. :)
Yes, it's the band's own forum, but does the band really only want gushers? Or also the fans that maybe are dissapointed for Watershed (and hopefully can explain why in complete sentences)? I love all Opeth albums but not so much Blackwater Park and Damnation - am I not tr00 enough to be on the forum for this reason? Even though Opeth remains, without a shred of doubt, my number one favorite band ever, the only band I have bothered to see several times live, the only band for which I actually collect stuff I don't really need? The only band whose logo I have seriously considered getting tattooed (at least the "o")?

If an Opeth-fan can't be honest regarding a new release on the forum, there is something very wrong. Yes, there's a difference between saying, as an example, "Watershed sucks steaming cock" & a deeper look into what problems you find with the CD, but come on. The whole premise of the thread is elitist and snobbish.

My 2 cents. :)

agreed 100%
I think the band have enough critics without "fans" adding insult to injury.
I am sure we all respect our fave bands creative decisions enough to not act like we could have made a better album!
"Hessian peel better as an instrumental?" It's stuff like this that drives me crazy, as I am sure Mikael is really proud of this song the way it is.
Agreed. I'm sick of the douche's coming in here and trashing Opeth for retarded things. Yes, no band is perfect, but Opeth is pretty friggin' close to hitting that point. They are the only band I have ever listened to that have inspired me to go out and buy all of their albums (still working on Morningrise, Damnation, and Orchid). Mike's genius guitar playing has inspired me so much and much more so than your typical shredders that a lot of guitar players look up to. Yes, I like guys like Paul Gilbert, Michael Angelo Batio, and John Petrucci, but Mike is above these guys in my book. To be honest, he's like the David Gilmour of this generation. All I can say is thank you, Mike! Your an awesome songwriter, great musician, and a wonderful guy all around.

Oh, and Darkferret, I love your sig! I lol'd so hard.
I think the band have enough critics without "fans" adding insult to injury.
I am sure we all respect our fave bands creative decisions enough to not act like we could have made a better album!
"Hessian peel better as an instrumental?" It's stuff like this that drives me crazy, as I am sure Mikael is really proud of this song the way it is.

This thread is one of the stupider I've seen, acting elitist by considering people who don't like Watershed (or hell, just don't like it as much as you do!) as 'untrue' fans. People are allowed to say whatever the hell they want about this album, and it can be overwhelmingly negative. For me, so long as there are reasons given (note: this doesn't mean you have to agree with them!), and it's not just mindless bashing, then it's okay.

What the hell is the problem with wishing Hessian Peel was instrumental? It's like me saying I wish the clean section in Bleak was longer, and you obviously wouldn't take offence to that even though, as you said, I am sure Mikael is really proud of that song as it is.

Stop pretending as if this band can do no wrong and stop pretending as if we don't have the right to have negative opinions.
Back before the album was released it was "disrespectful to the band" to talk about the leak on this forum, and it was the majority against the minority of posters that shared this opinion, yet as soon as it comes out it seems the opposite, only a few people find it disrespectful to tear apart every aspect of the album on the bands official forum...

I am sure Mikael is a big boy and can take all of this criticism, and we know he can certainly dish it back out and make his point VERY clear!

I just find it funny that some of the people who respected the band oh so much to never ever ever talk about the leak are now the same people criticizing every last note and detail of the album... just shows that most people want to follow herd mentality whatever that entails at the time... I'm sure it'll change again once the DVD comes out and there will be something new to praise/hate, it's just amusing to guess who will be on which side, and which side will be seen as "the good posters" and which will be known as the "shit posters"...

As someone else said, "this forum is serious business..." :p
I'm pretty damn sure Mike wouldn't care when people say his song is well, shitty..
As long as their arguments are valid.

But this is still music, and that will always be part of liking.. Opinions, not facts :)
I think people are perfectly entitled to their opinions but sometimes I think are looking for problems that aren't they and some comments I've seen here are completely disrespectful for the bad.I remember Mike wasn't too happy when someone said they wrote Hessien Peel badly and rightly so.Was that person there when Mike wrote the song?I rest my case.People don't have the facts to back up their criticism half the time.
I have said this before here, but it needs
to be said again, until I know what system
you replay your music on, condemning Opeth's
music is meaningless to me.

I find modern audio vastly inferior to my
old stalwart audio gear / Electrostatic

Modern audio to me sounds pedantic / slow
compressed and a whole host of other evils
I can't think of words to describe right now!!

Ipods are like cockroches, best place for them
is under the heel of a Dr Martin, imho.

Hope this helps? :erk:
I have had enough of all the rubbish that posters on this board are coming up with in regards to "Watershed"

Put simply, there aren't may bands that when a new album is released, I find it so addictive and compelling that it is quite hard to listen to anything else for a few months. Opeth, Katatonia and Porcupine Tree are three bands that completely compliment my musical taste with every release.

Watershed is no different.

As a music fan of 16 years (since I discovered Metallica when I was 15) I have been exploring many styles of music to find "magic" bands that just encapsulate everything i want in an aural feast. Opeth in particular are one such band.

So basically I would like to aplogize to Mikael and Opeth for all the "so-called" fans that frequent this forum, who type alot of insulting things about the art you are letting us enjoy.

Yeah sure posters will say "opinions are everyones right" and "taste is individual" yadayada, but essentially, if you didn't absolutely appreciate the what Opeth are offering to their fans, what the hell are you doing here??

Thanks Opeth for giving me and the majority of your fans an absolute treat with Watershed and please continue letting us share the art you want to release!
Shit thread.

#1: You cite Opeth, Katatonia and Porcupine Tree as your favorite bands (and you got into the genre via Metallica to boot). There goes any credibility you might have had.

#2: Mikael and Opeth are musicians and are fair game to criticisms, critique, and other forms of review. Just because this is the opeth forum doesn't mean everyone has to kiss thier collective asses.

#3: This forum is a community where we can talk about Opeth, bands related to Opeth, music in general, or just chit-chat. No one ever said we have to praise the band in every fucking post.

#4: Watershed unfortunately does pale in comparison to thier earlier works (IMO).

but essentially, if you didn't absolutely appreciate the what Opeth are offering to their fans, what the hell are you doing here??

^^Essentially the most pretentious thing I've ever heard.
To be honest, I havent seen TOO much flaming of this album. Seems like most people like it. At first, I wasnt sure what to think of it...but isnt that a good thing? Bands that keep you guessing, and on your toes are far and few between. I havent listen to anything else since it came out, so obviously I'm quite happy with it. Axenrot blows this album up...he's amazing on this observation, and far exceeded my expectations.

You're going to get some flaming now and then, but for the most part its much less caustic than on some other forums i've been on like toolnavy.