Stupidest things ever said to metalheads PART 2


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
I swear, this will kill ya.....

Just listen to this conversation I had with a NEW co-worker that just started working at my job.....

stupid guy: Hey man, what kinda music you like?

Me: Metal....

stupid guy: Do you like Michael Jackson?!

Me: :eek: WHAT?! :eek:

stupid guy: What you don't like him?...I've liked him ever since 1986 when I was a kid....I also like Clint Black, Garth Brooks, ...I can tollerate Marilyn Manson and NIN, but that's the only heavy stuff I like....

Me: :err: You call THAT heavy?....Here, listen to this....This is Dark Tranquillity, the most talented and innovative bands in the entire world....

(I put On "Chaos and Eternal Night"....The keyboard intro is playing....)

Stupid guy: Boring, boring, boring....

Me: Just keep listening, when the guitar kicks in, it's incredible....

(Right when the first 2SECONDS of the guitar kick in, he turns it off.....I'm NOT exaggerating when I say that.....RIGHT AFTER the first mere SECOND of the guitar, he says....

Stupid guy: NOpe, no thanks, it sucks....

Me: WHAT?!...Dude, you didn't even give it a chance, how can you say it sucks....

Stupid guy: It just does, I can tell....

Me: If you would've actually LISTENED to it, instead of turning it off after the first SECOND of guitar I could understand your arguement, but you didn't even give it a chance......They have so much talent and took years and years of guitar lessons, etc. How can you make such a statement?

Stupid guy: (screams at the top of his lungs, and every head in the entire building turns and looks at us.) ....LOOK!!!....i TOLD YOU IT SUCKS....IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF BASSED-OUT, NO-TALENT, HISSY, DISTROTED CRAP!!!!!!!

:mad: Grrrrr :mad: ....He got my blood boiling. I almost wanted to beat the living crap outta him, but I'm not gonna lose my job over some narrow minded idiot like him. But, I seriously wanted to..... :mad:

He didn't even get to the VOCALS!.....I can understand if he didn't like the vocals, or even the style in general, but this is pathetic!!!

I can tell, we are seriously NOT going to get along working at the same job...
well, what can I say...

you shouldn't even bother to LOOK at such persons (not speaking, not arguing). let him die being a fool...
I've made the pleasent experience that, while I thought they' d be rather biased against metal, most of the people in my vincinity seem to respect my kind of music.

anyway, there are ignorant bastards everywhere, so next time you see him put on some vader and let him BLEEEEEEEEED!
I´m back.. To this? Kick his sorry arse! now!
BLUUUAAAAARGHHH!!!! Oh. Sorry bout that...:) I just got upset, couse I hate ppl like that! Everyone should TRY! Arg! Need some air...

That type of shit happens daily over here in NY , people have their heads in that mainstream bitch music that if they hear one thing that sounds different they dont like it , MTV its like a drug w/ every one feeding of it to become ''popular'' and try to fit in , it makes me sick!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by AtTheGates2099
I almost wanted to beat the living crap outta him, but I'm not gonna lose my job over some narrow minded idiot like him.

well, we're not working there. nobody could fire us. ;)

besides, that guy was probably looking for an argument all along... i mean, asking people about their taste in music and then not even wanting to hear the stuff they put on, that's just uncivil. if he worried about being bothered by 'unpleasant' sounds why did he have to ask at all?
some serious butt-kicking is a perfectly polite and legitimate way to express your understandable malcontent. :)

well I'm not a violent man, sooooo I wouldn't want to beat him (hey, and don't call me violent or a I'll hit you!! ;) )

I suppose that my sick mind would fill my conversations with "hey, fancy some Dark Tranquillity" "oh damn, did you heard that riff??? that's smart man" "you know, Dark Tranquillity, the ones who won the twelve MTVawards last year" that sort of stuff ;p
Well I have a friend that some of his family are "Testigos de Jehova" (Maybe ---> Jehova's Witness?) well, this guys walk door by door trying to "get you" into the bible, with an enormous perseverance, almost anoying.

Well that's a brief review of this kind of people, anyway, my friend was moved to work outside our natal city, so his parents make him a goodbye party.

I went there with my 666 The Number of the Beast T-Shirt and two of his uncles started to critizice me how can I use that kind of clothes and listen to that shity MUSIC, gave me flyers of the Bible, and stuff, but they weren't kind with me , they were almost dictatorial some kinda "you HAVE to read the Bible and HAVE to believe what it says" , they have three precious daughters and three jackass sons, and they tell them in front of me "that's the kind of boy I don't want you to mix with", My friend enter in my defense that if they supposed to believe in that religion they should not be critizicing me or treating me like shit!!!, and a fight started (verbal fight) so the parents of my friend tell every grown up to leave because this was the party for the friends of their son....

......when they leave the oldest daughter (24 years I think), told me that she loved how i face his father, so we ended fucking in the my friend's brother room and believe me

This people are the most sexualy hungry I have ever Met haha

I still see her father, and he still piss me off, and because I have a little respect for people I don't tell him "Shut up, and why don't you ask your own daughter the kind of MAN i am?" but i keep it to myself so far
well, i feel people might actually be slightly upset when you wear a t-shirt with some disturbing, thought-provoking imagery on religion (such as upturned crosses, naked women messing with upturned crosses, horned demons messing with naked women messing with upturned crosses... ehm... you got the point).
here are some helpful hints to avoid being frowned upon by over-zealous religious goodwives:

1. politely indicate that '666' was actually the band's leader civic address number, and 'satan's spawn' is in fact a misspell for 'satan's lawn, a name as good for a street as, say, 'acacia avenue' (and nobody ever complained for that).

2. let it be known that the satanic, blasphemous message conveyed by your t-shirts is actually completely spoiled by the band's habit of writing crappy, childish church-yard lyrics without a single good rhyme for 'pentagram', and their healthy, drug- and sex-free lifestyle.

3. remark how the intro to 'the number of the beast' sounds exactly like 'oh when the saints go marching in'. this is true, and that's a happy bonus.

4. failing that, just go 'oh, allright' and take off your t-shirt. everybody will be quite eager to stare at the '666' some more. ;)

rahvin. (a pariah amongst his metalhead friends for wearing 'olga the happy hippo' pink t-shirts :p )
Originally posted by Final_Vision
never have I heard Maiden bashed so vulgarly...........*runs home and cries* :cry:

oh, come on, i love iron maiden. haven't you seen my top ten? i just think back in 1980 they were a tad naive... but who wasn't back then? i was 3 years old. you could sure call me naive. ;)

I was -4, hmm I guess that could be considered naive. I think most 80s rock/metal was naive, I concur my friend :D

Although it was Maiden, so they get my hall pass for that one..........
Well, some might call me a metalhead, but I dislike Morbid Angel, so... :p

And my advice to everyone in a similar situation like ATG was - remain calm. Smile or laugh, if you wish, but don't attack the ignorant being or his/her ideas about good music. That really shows your superiority over him/her, and perhaps someone else in the room will become interested in what you listen. It has happened before.

-Villain (the pacifist metal-priest)
Originally posted by Villain
And my advice to everyone in a similar situation like ATG was - remain calm. Smile or laugh, if you wish, but don't attack the ignorant being or his/her ideas about good music. That really shows your superiority over him/her, and perhaps someone else in the room will become interested in what you listen. It has happened before.

my advice to everyone in a similar situation as that of atg is - take the sucker's head off. smile or laugh, if you wish, but definitely attack the ignorant being and crush his/her ideas about having any kind of earing again. that really shows your superiority over him/her, and perhaps someone else in the room will be so f***ing scared of you that will want to listen to whatever it is you're listening to. it has happened before. ;)

[i'm just joking, ok? i don't promote violence. i just encourage it :p ]

rahvin. (a convinced pacifist who would really like to see who has the guts to say otherwise)
/me put a war helmet in her cabezota (perhaps headota? Anyway, in his head) and rise up his mighty sword to fight against the closed minded Testigos de Jehová (here are some churchs of that religion (I said religion? They're just a sect)).

Well, I can say more seriously words about it. My uncle is a member of a moderated sect here in Barcelona. They usually practice their religion and liturgy, with a south american man as a leader and singing songs about the Bible. That's right, looks like an usual religious assembly, but if I say that my mother recieved a letter saying we talk through the mouth of the devil... It sounds so different.
Originally posted by AtTheGates2099
I swear, this will kill ya.....

stupid guy: Hey man, what kinda music you like?

Me: Metal....

stupid guy: Do you like Michael Jackson?!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

some people are just distorted... there are two things ignore them or beat the shit outta them!!!:rolleyes: