Suggest me some easy to find prog...

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Longinus said:
I give you an example of brillant lyrical and musical writing: Pain of Salvation's BE.

I don't give a flying crap if someone dislikes it. It's the most diverse album you can find in the prog genre and the lyrically most complex album of all time.

*smacks forhead again*
Usually I'm not nitpicky about grammar but it's forehead ;)

And your taste in music is just as erraneous O_O
Longinus said:
Usually I'm not nitpicky about grammar but it's forehead ;)

And your taste in music is just as erraneous O_O

its actually spelling, not grammar. ;)

and the word is erroneous....not erraneous. but i dont think you have enough knowledge of my musical taste to assume something like that. you only know of 2 sides.
Well, grammar is everything written, so it is correct.

And that spelling mistake was put there just so that you would mention it :P

And I know enough to judge - you dislike PoS!
Don't be shy to check out some of the prog/tech death metal too...but yeah these 70s releases mentioned so far are awesome. Get some emerson lake and palmer and van der graaf generator too.
Average? Why do you think they are average? They play some complex stuff beneath the surface but they are no DT, granted.

Gildenlow has more talent alone than any band you listen to, though.
Can you fucking malakas stop fighting?

Anyway, I didn't like PoS. My first album was Remedy Lane and I didn't really care for it. I listened to Fandango, though. It was still out there, however. Then I got 12:5, which is a great album, but nothing you want to crank up and get into PoS with. Then =fast forward six months, I decided to give them another chance and got The Perfect Element. Then it hit me. End of story. But I hate Be. It's awful. I paid for music and barely got any on it. I figured that people were talking shit when they said they didn't like it and it seems the ones that do are those zealots that every band has, like the ones who pay to get on the Queensryche forum, even though they've been horrible or mediocre, at best for the last 13 years.

There's writing and then there's the execution. The writing is quite visionary on Be, but the execution is distant from what the listeners want. If Goldenlow knew what he was doing, he'd have made this album ONLY as a DVD from the beginning, and/or making this a solo album. Be has nothing to do with music and everything to do with Gildenlow trying to show you how smart his is, or something.
Be has nothing to do with music and everything to do with Gildenlow trying to show you how smart his is, or something.

I love this argument.

Actually, following that terrible logic, since I dislike a good portion of Deliverance and Damnation:
D&D have nothing to do with music and everything to do with Mikael pissing his followers off.

You are probably unable to understand this analogy. Let me explain it to you:
Your horrible opinion, which you are aware of, made you find a reason for why your simplistic brain dislikes the album. Then you found the most convenient reason, accusing Gildenlow of pretentiousness (yeah, you should have just written that) and thus allow yourself to even go that far to say, it has nothing to do with music and that it is awful, just because you don't like it.

He's known for complex concepts you dumbweed. And you probably just don't like the broad variety of music styles on BE, that doesn't mean it's awful though. You may dislike it (haha, owned by nature), but it is not awful.

You can say DT is not your cup of tea but there's no denying that they own at their instruments. They are therefore not awful but merely not your cup of tea.
Hmmmm... this is the internet and you thinking some gets "owned" on the internet is funny. Live life outside of your computer. It obviously appears that you're insecure about your own preferences in music and my taste is possibly going to shift your like for Be.

Bottom line: I don't like Be, because I don't like Be. I don't care if you don't like D&D. Makes no difference to me. I like diversity, but don't like Be. I like DT and they are my cup of tea. I'm also not the only one in the disliking Be camp.

End of story.
Hmmmm... this is the internet and you thinking some gets "owned" on the internet is funny.

Yeah, I liked the dorkiness of that line. Owned by nature is classic.

Live life outside of your computer.

Oh, you are jumping to concluscions there.

It obviously appears that you're insecure about your own preferences in music and my taste is possibly going to shift your like for Be.

If you could read, you would've gotten the point that it doesn't matter whetherr you dislike it or not. I can't comprehend that but it's fine with me. However, you accused the album of things that is just isn't and that is not an opinion.

Bottom line: I don't like Be, because I don't like Be. I don't care if you don't like D&D. Makes no difference to me. I like diversity, but don't like Be. I like DT and they are my cup of tea. I'm also not the only one in the disliking Be camp.

End of story.

Wow, you are really slow, aren't you? Ever took english lessons? You know what an analogy is?
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