Symphony X openers???


you actually took me seriously.

In seriousness though, Circus Maximus would be a nice fit, but their "management" company are a bunch of fucking idiots, so they probably would act (the company) high and mighty enough to say that Symphony X isn't a big enough act for CM. But in all honesty, Circus is a solid enough band, and if they weren't managed by such a half-ass company, I'd be willing to bet they'd be on tour with Symphony X.
rockyracoon said:
Rage would be lucky to open for SX in the US after that subpar PP performance. I just dont see that benefiting SX in any way...

I saw Rage in Germany on their 20th anniversary tour (I actually went to Germany just to see them) and they are far from subpar...actually they're probably the only band I've ever seen that sounds exactly the same live as they do on their albums...they are perfect.
Yngvai X said:
I saw Rage in Germany on their 20th anniversary tour (I actually went to Germany just to see them) and they are far from subpar...actually they're probably the only band I've ever seen that sounds exactly the same live as they do on their albums...they are perfect.

well i was only refering to one particular show. but im not too sure that im into bands that sound EXACTLY like they do on the album. typically, i like things to get changed up a bit. of course some bands try that and totally ruin great material, but the good ones know how to do it right.
rockyracoon said:
well i was only refering to one particular show. but im not too sure that im into bands that sound EXACTLY like they do on the album. typically, i like things to get changed up a bit. of course some bands try that and totally ruin great material, but the good ones know how to do it right.

What I meant was, they are completely spot on. Some bands sound great on CD but then live they can't pull it off 100% the way they do on the album...Rage can.

Also, as far as the PPIV show, keep in mind the crowd completely, and unfairly, stiffed Rage (because of them being not so well known and the Evergrey signing) and they had to play to a venue that was only like, half full, from what I heard. Stuff like that can put a damper on the performance.
Yngvai X said:
What I meant was, they are completely spot on. Some bands sound great on CD but then live they can't pull it off 100% the way they do on the album...Rage can.

i agree, too many bands it seems over-extend themselves in the studio and give subpar performances live. im not implying this is a problem for rage though...
Luis said:
How about Shadow Gallery?
Well, the first person that pulls that off (getting SG out of the studio) is a miracle worker. It would be a HUGE show though. Guaranteed that people would travel to see SG! I'd love to see that!

My vote would be for Zero Hour and Odin's Court (perhaps I'm a bit partial for the second one). :Spin:
ToRuinAll05 said:
I would die if I saw Angra. I'd be seeing 2 of my top 4 favorite drummers in the same night! (The other 2 being Danny Carey and Mike Portnoy.)
Rick Pierpont said:
My vote would be for Zero Hour and Odin's Court (perhaps I'm a bit partial for the second one). :Spin:
If the new cd is coming out in december, maybe its possible. Hell, that would be awesome!

Also, Rick, I was looking at your setup on the website, and I must say that its really a most amazing setup.
i think it would be really cool if they lined up local bands in each city to open for them. It would save the band a lot of money and give exposure to some cool unknown bands
Thats a really good idea. I wish my band would be able to do that, but we're still lost in the writing process of our music, and all of our songs are like half done. Except our epic, which is like a quarter done.
Anyway, where i was originally trying to go was that that is a good idea,and if they did decide to do that, I'd throw my support behind it... unless Adagio went with them.