Thank you Opeth

It really was a corker of a gig... im surprised the pit was as active as it was, it was cool as! Great to see good metal getting such a response. I probably should have been in there... but even up back it kicked ass. Mikael was a laid back funny bastard... completely different from what I thought he'd be like (some serious, loud, evil dude lol). The band did their stuff to perfection... considering half their albums have a zillion layers of guitars, it came up awesome. The one downer of the night was that my back was fucking killing me around the time they came on... But anyways it didnt really detract. I would have seen em twice... hell I saw Edguy 3 times in a week and the novelty didnt wear off. They definetly would have done good to have arranged a larger venue... but cant complain really as the atmosphere was great. Was hanging to see forest of October... but the killer set they played more than compensated for that. Consider managements email box spammed
then you need to get to WAKEN dude lol .... that will be the experince of a lifetime ..
i missed opeth cause i was fucking moving around and didn't know where i'de be to see them by then , so i couldn't get tix , that sucks .. :(
ah well , next time i'm in europ i'll do my best ..
i have only heard great things about the gig from people who aren't even solid fans , so i'm happy to go see them ... ;)
grrrly said:
I also flew from Tassie to Melbourne and would make the trip again in an instant - what a show! I was in the second row for most of the show which was brilliant, though I am now battered and bruised from the surge of the crowd towards the stage and people bashing into my head etc :)

Where abouts in Tasmania do you live because I was talking to quite a few people from Tasmania, I met a couple of people from Launceston also.