The "Are These Guys Any Good" Thread

Opeth17 said:
Third and Haunted SHores are pretty nifty, I must say. Viking metal with an astral, almost Wildhoney-era Tiamat feeling in it.

I used to have the first two, which were more of a fast, furious viking metal metal thing. I didn't like them then, but I bet I'd dig 'em today.
I only have Himinbjorg "When Ravens Fly," but I haven't listened to it in a very long time.....I don't remember it being that great.
I can second the recommendation for Himinbjorg's "Haunted Shores". I think they have quite a varied background, although always rooted in the viking scene, but this particular album is unique in that it combines a proggy/astral approach to viking culture.

I'll always have annoying memories of this album - some of you might remember the time when I got a CD stuck in a rental car. Anyway, this was it, so I've actually had to buy this album twice.

You must somehow dig out the song "The Olves". It is truly remarkable.
Ive heard a number of people especially guitarists sing the praises of OHm, but Ive only heard one song. From what I understand its a mixture of fusion jazz, rock, metal.
Nate The Great said:
I asked about this band in the Age of Silence thread . . .

Hearse? Anybody . . . .

They are pretty much redundant unless you've got a hardon for Liivas vocals. I'd call it melodic death'n roll.
I bought A Touch of Medieval Darkness and expected unholy blackthreash terror and that's not what I got. It even had synths. Not bad but not what I expected, so I think I need a while to reconfigure my brain before I give an opinion
Desaster fuckin rule! I had the great pleasure of seeing them live at Wacken 2001. Have since bought all their releases. They play a hybrid of old school thrash mixed with oldschool black metal. Lots of great riffs and cool vokills. Very heavily recommended. Bang or be banged!
I'm asking because they are always mentioned in the same sentence as Morrigan. Is Destroyer666 closer to the Morrigan sound than Desaster?
I'd say none of them sound like Morrigan really. I can't decide which of Desaster, Morrigan or Deströyer 666 I like best. Desaster definitely don't have the Bathory vikingesque kind of tracks that Morrigan has. Morrigan copies Bathory while Desaster and Deströyer 666 have their own styles.
I'd call all of their releases blackened dirty thrash, but no in the "pleasure to kill" kind of thrash way. Maybe it would be better to call it heavy metal with a lot of riffs?
Destroyer 666 rules. I expected them to have a more low, brutal almost death metal feel, but they're actually a ripping thrash band with vocals that remind more of black metal screeches a lot of the time, but vary as well to a lower sound. Some of their songs like "Lone Wolf Winter" are actually pretty epic, also unexpected when I got Phoenix Rising and Cold Steel for an Iron Age. A lot of memorable riffs and very solid overall. Still need to hear Unchain the Wolves, which I think many may consider to be their best.
I heard Destroyer666's "Cold Steel for an Iron Age" a while back and it was OK i guess; well-played blackend thrash but not my cup of tea to begin with really. I wasn't too impressed with their lyrics either: "Fucked with a sword and crucifix! blablabla"