The "Ask KillerGon" thread:

^i've heard some fans think it sucks, but it was compared to Evergrey... so i might take a listen :D

how high will i score for my endwork? :lol:
Why is it that Samsung mp3 players are so gay that the break all the time and force me to get an iPod Video? :erk:
^i've heard some fans think it sucks, but it was compared to Evergrey... so i might take a listen :D

how high will i score for my endwork? :lol:


Gonzo, do you have problems with the msn and hotmail ?

Yes... ghey MSN :mad:

Why can't it be May 2 yet?

we must respect the gregorian calendar!

What came first, the egg or the chicken?

The egg... but it was a magical one! (?)

Why is it that Samsung mp3 players are so gay that the break all the time and force me to get an iPod Video? :erk:

I use Sandisk mp3 players and they are great! don't know about samsung, though :(

Why do you still live?

I already said it before: I'm immortal.

KillerGon: what's the answer to Lost?

I don't watch that show... sorry.

but if i had to say something, i would say the key of all is the extraterrestrial presence on that island.
Can I call you Gonzo, too? :D
What makes you wake up each day?
What makes you happy the most?
Do you think there's something like balance in this world, like balance between good things and bad things?
Have you ever felt like shit (feeling like nothing, or just worse than anybody else)?
Do you think that the best happiness is required to being with someone (boyfriend, girlfriend)?

That is for now.. :saint: