The Best Blackmetal-albums Ever...?

Mayhem - Deathcrush
Darkthrone - Blaze in the Northern Sky
Bathory - Blood, Fire, Death
Venom - Black Metal
Emperor - Wrath of the Tyrant (ok, so it's not technically an album in the purest sense)

I can understand people going for the better produced, more musically proficient bands, but these albums just had that special SOMETHING, be it the rawness, the atmosphere or whatever, that just epitomises black metal for me.

Always liked Ugra Karma by Impaled Nazarene and Secret of the Black Arts by Dark Funeral too, although I wouldn't class them as classics.
Well just to mention a few personal favorites...

Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Immortal - Battles in the North
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness
Gorgoroth - Under the sign of hell
Gorgoroth - Antichrist
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Shit, I forgot about AN!! Total Fucking Necro and WFRDFTSMWRAIHS (longest abbrev evar) are some fucking intense and extreme albums!
Black metal is about feelings and atmosphere.
Therefore in my opinion the best black metal album ever is Ulver's Bergtatt.
By combining the brutal minimalism of black metal and the aesthetic and warm minimalism of folk tunes this album creates unique intense and soothing atmosphere of nature and darkness.
I love it!

Hmmm what other good albums do i know...?
I have been into metal only for 2 years or so and i did not get into black metal at the beginning.
So my knowledge of (true) bm is not that great though i love the genre...
Lets see:
Immortal: Battles in the North - great and frostbitten!
Taake: Bjoergvin: Sometimes cool melodies that do not destroy the atmosphere..
Satyricon: Rebell Extravaganza: A new approach to black metal with progressive elements, it is aggressive, intelligent and intense. Really great!
Many of my favorites already mentioned but here are some not yet mentioned:

DIMMU BOGIR - enthrone darkness triumphant
NOCKTURNAL MORTUM - lunar poetry
VINTERLAND - welcome my last chapter
NAGLFAR - vittra
CARPATHIAN FOREST - black shining leather
ABIGOR - nachtynmen
SATYRICON - shadowthrone
MARDUK - nightwing

I will get flamed but it must be posted:
CRADLE OF FILTH - dusk and her embrace

BTW, best new black metal I have heard is the two TAAKE albums.
Profanity: LOL I take it you've nnever heard Graveland.

Me: Yes I have heard Graveland. How does that change the fact that Emperor owns everyone? Dismissed.
Profånity said:
Graveland have better screams and are more satanic than Emperor.

I'm rolling on the ground eh !

BM fans , check out Obtained Enslavement's first 2 albums 'Witchcraft' and 'Soulblight' really awesome even if Witchcraft is very hard to find
Since I'm bored, I'll even list them alphabetical order.

Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Grand Belial's Key - Castrate The Redeemer
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Immortal - Battles In The North
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Nokturnal Mortum - To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fires
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid

These albums, IMO, are the best black metal has to offer.
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal

Arcturus - Aspera Heims Symfonia
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Ulver - Bergtatt
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Summoning - Dol Guldur