the best love song?

I would maybe leave out the "love" and say: One Last Goodbye!!
No other song or words can ever be more sad or more beautiful and emotional than "One Last Goodbye". It always makes me cry when I listen to it and think about what pain the person who wrote it must have felt in that very moment :cry:
'Horses' reminds me of my love for animals but 'Inner Silence' live- is more moving than the album version. Especially when you understand it properly.
Well... One last Goodbye is brilliant!

But the chorus of "Temporary Peace" is so damn great!

Could anyone of the band, maybe Danny, tell me why you play that hammer chorus just ONE TIME in the whole song?? It's such a good part, so ... well... where was it, when I needed it most?? :cry:

Originally posted by CLARET
Could anyone of the band, maybe Danny, tell me why you play that hammer chorus just ONE TIME in the whole song?? It's such a good part, so ... well... where was it, when I needed it most?? :cry: NICO

:zombie: probably because the song wouldn't be anywhere near as good if they played it more than once.
For me 'One Last Goodbye' is about the love for a mother who has gone.
(Because my mother died in 1998 too as Helen mother of the Cavanagh brothers.)
Maybe Inner silence is about the same thing,too ?
May I ask it in another thread ? ;)

But in another point of view both songs can be another kind of love songs.

I would mention Angelica, too. Parisienne Moonlight ? Emotional Winter ? Make it Right ?
I realise I could mention so many songs.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
In my wide vision of what "love" is or should be i would say that the old songs about a dying/morbid love like Silent Enigma or Under a Veil strike me the most...but then again... what or how should "love" sound?:confused:

The Silent Enigma isnt a love song. Its about going mad and Under a Veil is fantasy stuff. Good lyrics though.
Originally posted by Terry Armageddon

The Silent Enigma isnt a love song. Its about going mad and Under a Veil is fantasy stuff. Good lyrics though.

I beg to disagree, I unintentionaly see S.E. as a morbid love song:

“Tormented echoes of a fallen Eden
I longed for her beauty
Yet from dust, she returned
The dream, an enigma ..... silent”

and how the hell haven’t you noticed that Under a Veil is about a loved dead girl ? its right there!

“loved her ... but now she's gone
(It's so hard to face)
Overcoming ... tender reckoning”

this are almost explicit lyrics, how can you say what they are or aren't about? :confused:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry mate, youre wrong.
Under A Veil is about a dead bird but its still fantasy. And I can assure you I know for sure what Anathemas songs are about kidder! What makes you so certain?
Originally posted by LoboUivante
:err: I think you are pulling my nuts about this whole thing... how can you say about what they are or aren't? Did you write them? :err: :confused:

I will not change my view because that's what i take from the songs but still I...

... wonder about this.

I think the lyrics are what you make out of them and for every person they can mean something else... Oh, something just cane into my mind (see another thread :lol: )