the best love song?

Originally posted by Ghostie
Originally posted by LoboUivante
I think you are pulling my nuts about this whole thing... how can you say about what they are or aren't? Did you write them?

Take care what you say ! You never know who you are talking to.
(Like maybe I'm Miss Tori Amos or something :p )

It could be the Pope, or Vincent or Madre Theresa would that matter in the end?;)
Originally posted by LoboUivante
:err: I think you are pulling my nuts about this whole thing... how can you say about what they are or aren't? Did you write them? :err: :confused:

I will not change my view because that's what i take from the songs but still I...

... wonder about this.

I didnt write The Silent Enigma but Im good friends with the man who did- Vincent O'Connell- and he told me what it was about. Im not trying to make a fool out of you but you cant be TOO sure about anything eh?
Originally posted by LoboUivante
:err: I think you are pulling my nuts about this whole thing... how can you say about what they are or aren't? Did you write them? :err: :confused:

I will not change my view because that's what i take from the songs but still I...

... wonder about this.

my name is danny cavanagh, and terry armageddon is absolutely right about the songs. ok?
My name is Joel Meireles (who cares right) and you may be absolutely right but i dont care about your "truth".

I may write a song about killing little babies and you may interpret it as a bible mandament... dont know if you are understanding my point of view.

.. then again I may be going slightly mad and didn't noticed it yet.;)
:) HAIL to that.
But I would feel better if I got to know people with similar thoughts as my own. All the metalheads I know personally (except one) are in a metal trend... metal shouldn't be a trend, even for metalheads.

PS: Fuck greedy people that hang with you just because you are a celebrity.