The Pevear & Volohnskonsky translations are the best. Dostoevsky is probably my favorite writer of all-time. This is one of the last of his I have to read.
LadyValerie - Nausea was alright. Very...dry, to say the least though. B & N would prob be Sartre best work imho. One of the cornerstones of the Existentialism movement.
edit: The Wall wasnt half bad either.
How is Hunger? I've heard it's pretty intense
Right now I'm working on:
Iliad- Homer
Shit, I need a good book. I was in Barnes & Noble the other day & everything was double priced. Example - normal DVDs that would be $16 at Wal-Mart were $34 in that shit hole.
Most Barnes & Nobles' I'm familiar with have a pretty extensive discount section. You can get some sweet deals for those big hard covers that normally cost their weight in gold.