The Books/Reading Thread

The Pevear & Volohnskonsky translations are the best. Dostoevsky is probably my favorite writer of all-time. This is one of the last of his I have to read.

LadyValerie - Nausea was alright. Very...dry, to say the least though. B & N would prob be Sartre best work imho. One of the cornerstones of the Existentialism movement.

edit: The Wall wasnt half bad either.
The Pevear & Volohnskonsky translations are the best. Dostoevsky is probably my favorite writer of all-time. This is one of the last of his I have to read.

LadyValerie - Nausea was alright. Very...dry, to say the least though. B & N would prob be Sartre best work imho. One of the cornerstones of the Existentialism movement.

edit: The Wall wasnt half bad either.

Which publishers put those translations out? All the Dostoevsky books I have are published by Penguin. I love Penguin.
in the process of reading:
bloom - shakespeare: invention of a human
hamsun - hunger

erikson - the bonehunters

recently finished:
the iliad, midnight tides and the gita
How is Hunger? I've heard it's pretty intense

i was expecting it to be, but the neurotic, almost childlike volatility of the starving first person protaganist is written to feel almost comical in its absurdity. the best term i can think of for the overall mood is 'fucking loony'. definitely a major precursor for kafka and the like.
Well we're done with the Symposium, now onto this week's assigned text: Dao De Jing: The Book of the Way by Laozi. I guess after all that Greek philosophy we deserve to cool our minds with some Eastern thought.
Right now I'm working on:

Iliad- Homer
Fossil Trail- Tatterstall
Poetic Edda
Fires of Heaven- Jordan
Shit, I need a good book. I was in Barnes & Noble the other day & everything was double priced. Example - normal DVDs that would be $16 at Wal-Mart were $34 in that shit hole.
Right now I'm working on:

Iliad- Homer
Shit, I need a good book. I was in Barnes & Noble the other day & everything was double priced. Example - normal DVDs that would be $16 at Wal-Mart were $34 in that shit hole.

Most Barnes & Nobles' I'm familiar with have a pretty extensive discount section. You can get some sweet deals for those big hard covers that normally cost their weight in gold.
got the following out of the library:
hesiod & theognis
pindar - odes
apuleius - the golden ass
aristophanes - the birds and other plays
the satires of horace and persius
plautus - three comedies
the poems of catullus
the poems of theocritus
callimachus - hymns and epigrams
menander - plays and fragments
I just started:
-The Trial by Kafka
-I'm going to re-read Twelfth Night because the last time I read it I was in sixth grade and I'm sure I can get much more out of it this time around.
-A History of The World In Six Glasses by Tom Standage. This book looks particularly interesting. The book attempts to chart world history through the story of six beverages: beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and Coca-Cola.
we read Aristophanes "Lysistrata", Plautus's "Miles Gloriosus" and talked about Menander for my comic theory class. Lysistrata is pretty raunchy stuff.

Most Barnes & Nobles' I'm familiar with have a pretty extensive discount section. You can get some sweet deals for those big hard covers that normally cost their weight in gold.

I just can't read enough to really shop in a discount section if you follow me here. If I'm going to read something it's going to have to be something I'm very interested in reading, regardles of price. If I find a great discount book, cool, but it's not like buying a bad album. Books take a very long time to read & absorb.