The Books/Reading Thread

I like psychical books too, between the missus and I we have a small library of books here that takes up most of one room, But Lovecraft is one I couldn't be bothered buying so when I found it was public domain I downloaded the PDF and just left it on my server.
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Yeah his writing style is sometimes difficult to get a grasp of, especially after reading a lot of modern books. I'm not really a fan of his, but then I'm not a fan of half the stuff people read on this forum.
It depends. Vampyrates was original when it came out and relatively entertaining and not like the millions of other vampire stories that were around at the time. I give the author kudos for knowing when to end it though. Skullduggery is quite funny and the idea of a skeleton detective in a world of magic is an interesting premise, however I think he carried it on for several books too many. But they are aimed at a teenage market so you have to get your mind to adapt to that and not expect 'adult' things to happen.

I never really got into cyberpunk or other punk related things. I tried to write a steampunk story once and realised I was so far out of my depth that I gave up, my brain just doesn't think like it needs to to be in a steampunk world. But give me a scene of torture and blood and I can write that in as much detail as you like. (maybe that admits more about me that I should be admitting :) )
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Considering im still young and enjoy teen novels, I think I can get into it.

It's just a mindset you get yourself into when you start reading, not really that much different to reading poetry, or even Lovecraft.
There is a series of teenage books about a dome coming down over a city and all the adults die leaving to kids to figure everything out. It's kind of like Stephen King's The Dome (not the extremely average TV adaptation) but neither book was written with knowledge of the other book. But one of the book forums I used to frequent had a collection of adults who claimed the Gone series was terrible and a poor imitation of the Stephen King book because they couldn't adapt to the fact that that it was written for teenagers. Each to their own but I say fuck it why let the kids have all the good books, I don't remember books being that good when I was a kid.
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