The Books/Reading Thread

Did any of you read Brian Jacques' Redwall series? Fucking awesome fantasy books. I may not have read any since high school, but they are awesome. I thought it was far superior to Tolkien's shitty exposition. Much more engaging, and over time put together a very interesting universe. Maybe it would seem childish to me now, but I got into these books a ton when I was younger.
I loved these when I was a kid
Did any of you read Brian Jacques' Redwall series? Fucking awesome fantasy books. I may not have read any since high school, but they are awesome. I thought it was far superior to Tolkien's shitty exposition. Much more engaging, and over time put together a very interesting universe. Maybe it would seem childish to me now, but I got into these books a ton when I was younger.

better than Tolkein? uh.... yeah.
anyway... Best of Robert E. Howard Vol. 1. :worship:CROM!!!
R. Scott Bakker's book The Judging Eye is set for a February 19 release. This will be the first book in his Aspect Emperor series, and will continue the story of the Prince of Nothing series. I'm extremely excited.

I'm currently reading Outer Dark by Cormac McCarthy. I also picked up a book from my library that contains essays written on several of his works. I've only read one so far, but it's very interesting.
Orson Scott Card is awesome. I just finished reading Empire, which was a book about a US civil war. It was very well done.
Currently reading Heart of Darkness for my 20th Century British Lit class. I haven't read it in 4 years...I liked it then, and I still like it now. It's so goddamn dark and murky. I love it

Also reading Charlotte Temple for my Early American Novel class. It's an easy read, but goddamn it's aggravating when characters are idiots.
I have to read Heart of Darkness for the third time in college alone this semester, in addition to the two times I read it prior. :erk:
If you remember it well enough, don't bother.

I only read it last semester, so I might do that, or just skim through it quickly. I also have to read The Secret Agent again, but I don't mind that, as I originally read it my second semester in a class that I hated.
Odyssey- Homer
I read the Iliad a summer or two ago but haven't gotten around to this one until just now.