The Books/Reading Thread

Less Than Zero is amazing as well as one of the most depressing books I've ever read. it's great. Glamorama is ridiculous but also good. Lunar Park is really interesting and especially if you're at all interested in how narratives work and construct a world of their own and what the author does what that text/world it's great.

I haven't read The Informers or The Rules of Attraction
Still waiting for my preordered copy of the deluxe edition of Desperate Houseviwes to arrive It comes complete with a wax-covered vibrator, free of charge. Fun times await.

No, but seriously, I bought Haunting the Dead for my brother , some fancy shmancy fantasy book in English at the Freak store in Tel-Aviv( a computers and table top RPG's- geek heaven, I tell ya), but it has proven to be too advanced for his age(14), as the writing is too florid so I'm going to read it myself. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it before the 14-day return policy expires, so I can get another one in exchange.Although with the extremely busy schedule I have, this seems unlikely. Working without a single day off sucks like you wouldn't believe.

I've finished City of Glass and am about to move on to Ghosts. This is my first encounter with Auster; fantastic stuff.
I am just about to finish the entire Left Behind series (12 pretty fast reading books). I have not gone straight through, and have considered not continuing, but it looks like I will finish. They are not the best books, but I am glad I read them. You have heard of historical fiction? This is future fiction.
I'm just about to dive into a collector's book featuring four of H.G. Well's work.

The Time Machine
The Island of Dr. Moreau
The Invisible Man
The War of the Worlds
I like the eastern- European science fiction classics more: Lem and Strugatzky,Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, and Dog's Heart( the latter is a free translation from Russian, I'm not sure what it's called in English) not much a fan of Asimov and co.