The Books/Reading Thread

I like the eastern- European science fiction classics more: Lem and Strugatzky,Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, and Dog's Heart( the latter is a free translation from Russian, I'm not sure what it's called in English) not much a fan of Asimov and co.

Have you ever read any of Vernor Vinge's material? His stuff is very unique. He deals a lot with the idea of technological singularity and the transcendence of human consciousness through evolution.
I finished reading The Road last night. It took me a while to really get into it, but once I did, it was pretty enthralling.

I started James Ellroy's Blood's A Rover today. Seems good so far. I really liked American Tabloid. The Cold Six Thousand was good, but I found the writing style in the second half made it rather tiresome to read, which really impacted on my enjoyment of it.
I like the eastern- European science fiction classics more: Lem and Strugatzky,Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, and Dog's Heart( the latter is a free translation from Russian, I'm not sure what it's called in English) not much a fan of Asimov and co.

Both of the Bulgakov's are excellent.
Finished The Time Machine. Next up is The Invisible Man.
I'm going through the preachy Atheist's initiation. Yes, I'm reading The God Delusion.
Just ordered this:

Reading Slaughterhouse Five. Very fun.

Great book.

I recently finished the following:



The New York Trilogy was amazing. I'll definitely look into more Auster in the near future. The Mirrored Heavens was also really good; fast-paced sci-fi with lots of cyberpunk influences and a good plot. I'll consider reading the following books in the series at some point.

For now, I'm indulging in the esoteric complexities of The Name of the Rose:

I'm going to reattempt Foucault's Pendulum over break

Einherjar: glad you enjoyed The New York Trilogy. check out Moon Palace next!

If I enjoy The Name of the Rose I'm definitely going to look into Foucault's Pendulum. And I'm planning on getting more Auster soon, so I'll be sure to read Moon Palace.