The Books/Reading Thread

gonna start reading...

this tomorrow...


Best non-fiction I have read in a long time. Smashes the romantic image of the Classical civilization (among other things). Sorry Zeph.
What do you mean by "romantic view"? I think a love of Antiquity doesn't necessarily equal an idealized view of it as some pristine, utopic society.

Indeed. German Romanticism was anything but a wholesale aping of the classical world. I would hardly call Goethe and Hegel rehashes of Sophocles and Plato.
Now that I'm done with classes I'm gonna finish Museum of Lost Innocence by Orhan Pamuk. Great phenomenological novel about time, memory and obsession. I got halfway through it before the semester got serious. Otherwise I've only got two weeks til my summer class. Maybe I'll read some Borges.
This thread needs to be stapled to every single person who claims metalheads are idiots.

I'm finished with all my books at the moment, but I really need to go through this again, I think I missed a lot the first time:

Really want to start cramming reading more, finished One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest just the other day and partially into Lord of the Flies and The Count of Monte Cristo now, got Carrie left and that's about it..need some recommendations! I like Stephen King (It, Shining), Chuck Pahalniuk (Fight Club, Survivor, Diary, Invisible Monsters) and that's basically it..not too much into fantasy novels just looking for sort of real life drama type books like the above..or anything scurry like King I guess haha