The Dark Knight Rises (don't post spoilers)

one of the effin best movies I've seen in my life imho, especially for the last part of a trilogy!
Yeah, I am a fanboy, imho, the dark knight is the best, than dark knight rises, than b b but
they're all great!
The ending killed me!
I have nothing I can complain about ... my only slight gripe would also be Bane's voice. Not the actual tone of it or the presentation which I thought was actually great, think if Kelsey Grammer was an utter sociopath, just that they could have lessened the effect to make some of the lines a bit more intelligible

This. but the way i see it, this version of Bane is still better than the one in B & R. other than that, DKR's a freakin high quality flick, like all of Chris Nolan's works i've seen.
Just got home from the movies. Yes, quite good, really pretty good. Only thing I gotta add: The actor of Bane didnt have such a charismatic role as the Joker, so I wouldn't judge his acting too much, which was quite good IMO. Joker is just one hell of a character (and HL acting lived up to that character).
Well, just watched it ( and decided to NOT watch it in german ..... dont wanna imagine how it must suck....) aaaannnd: its not as good as "The Dark Knight". Hard to beat. The last part of the movie was the best...i kinda liked bane... the ending was perfect. I also liked jordon gordon levitt´s part.... ( Robin? :D ).

But there is 1 thing that bothers me so hard about this movie....tbh i think its pretty retarded, but i dont wanna spoil :D

I'm actually not picking sides between Nicholson or Ledger.
Both played a completely different type of Joker, I don't know why people keep argueing which one was the best.
They both nailed it perfectly in the Batman universe they were placed in.

Actually don't get the Christian Bale hate, I thought he was perfect from the start.
But ofcourse it's not hard after Val Kilmer and George Clooney to get a better Batman :)
I think the movie is awesome, it's nearly on par with the second one for me. And thank god there are cinemas that show movies in english because the german version sucks so much I want to shoot myself in the face everytime I hear it. Also I liked how Bane was played, imho it's quite hard to get a character across with almost no visible facial emotions so he had to rely on his voice acting a lot and he delivered.
Also I'm no Christian Bale fanboy but he doesn't just fit in the role, he simply IS the fucking Batman.
No love or hate for christian bale here but his death metal voice in Batman in kinda ironic. Val kilmer as batman was not good because the movie itself it´s not even in the same level as Dark knight. I blame the director more than the actors.
I think the movie is awesome, it's nearly on par with the second one for me. And thank god there are cinemas that show movies in english because the german version sucks so much I want to shoot myself in the face everytime I hear it. Also I liked how Bane was played, imho it's quite hard to get a character across with almost no visible facial emotions so he had to rely on his voice acting a lot and he delivered.
Also I'm no Christian Bale fanboy but he doesn't just fit in the role, he simply IS the fucking Batman.

Haha man, are they still doing overdubs in Germany?? Hahaha, that always gives you some good laugh watching like german Simpsons etc :D
Oh God, german overdubs are epic!
I know when I went to the theater a few years ago just accross the border, and I wasn't aware of the overdubs. Imagine sitting through your first Bad Boys 2 experience completelly in that's hard....
I think both Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger did an excellent job, but the Joker Ledger played was a far superior written role/character. Much more menacing, more terrifying, more complex. Tim Burton's Joker looks almost like a parody/caricature of the Joker in TDK.

Keep in mind I'm not a batman fan but a Chris Nolan fan, I'm not familiar with the comics so I'm not comparing which one did a better job portraying the original Joker.
not trying to give spoilers but the entire last 15 min of TDKR totally completely looks like absolutely nothing but a giant set-up for a sequel (the best part of the movie BTW)... except we've already been told that there isn't going to be one... so...what the fucking hell, man?!?!

SOME SPOILERS (but why would you come in here if you haven't seen it yet)

I really liked the ending, I agree it was flawless. I think it was a fantastic way to end the trilogy on a solid note (as in I don't think they'll make any further movies) while still keeping the Batman story open, as it should be. It's an ongoing saga, it was never a Lord of the Rings style story.

I did laugh out loud at "WHERE IS THE TRIGGER?", and there were a few odd bits, but I'm struggling to think of a better movie I've seen this year.
I just got back from it and really just did not like it. I found it overly cheesy, hard to believe, realistically flawed, and ridiculous in too many aspects to take seriously.

Anne Hathaway was annoying and was only a tiny bit of eye candy, the love-affair thrown in between Bruce and that lady from Inception was retarded, Bane's voice was annoying and his mask made zero sense/wasn't explained at all, I still can't take Qui-Gon Jin seriously in that role (especially after seeing a Taken 2 trailer right before the film), and them driving the bomb around and then banging it around behind a helicopter without it fucking exploding was totally unrealistic and unbelievable.

I'm not a fan of comic book movies to begin with, but this was a serious letdown.
I just got back from it and really just did not like it. I found it overly cheesy, hard to believe, realistically flawed, and ridiculous in too many aspects to take seriously.

Anne Hathaway was annoying and was only a tiny bit of eye candy, the love-affair thrown in between Bruce and that lady from Inception was retarded, Bane's voice was annoying and his mask made zero sense/wasn't explained at all, I still can't take Qui-Gon Jin seriously in that role (especially after seeing a Taken 2 trailer right before the film), and them driving the bomb around and then banging it around behind a helicopter without it fucking exploding was totally unrealistic and unbelievable.

I'm not a fan of comic book movies to begin with, but this was a serious letdown.

wait.. what? :guh::err: