The Dark Knight

A movie isn't a script.


A movie is the visual representation of the script that was written by the movie's writer(s)

Fetzer, shut the fuck up. You always join in discussions making random fucking bullshit senseless posts as if you're trying to prove a point. But you're not proving any points, you're just making random statements which don't even make sense or add anything to the discussion.
"This book was so bad, the police they used to write it was so fucking awful."

And no, I don't like to be understood. Making efforts make the realization more profitable.

Swabs, I'm on an internet board. You get what I say, you don't get what I say, you read, you don't, you try to understand, you don't, all this makes less sense that whatever I can say here. And it doesn't make sense to YOU cause you're a fucking moron.

Oh and btw, a movie isn't a script.

PS: Blind Gardian is the worst thing ever created by any species on earth. WAARRGHHHHHGHBLLRGG!
I'm seeing it in Imax, just because I heard it was that good. Although, I must wait a week because it's sold out until then =/
Still against you? I never was. Adding "PS: Blind Gardian is the worst thing ever created by any species on earth. WAARRGHHHHHGHBLLRGG!" is fucking retarded and you should realize that.
I forgot the "Inb4: pointing a single mistake I did, focusing on it and denying everything else", my mistake sorry.

Come on guys, is it so hard to say:

"Shut the fuck up Fetzer, you are always here saying weird things and blaming us to not get what you say. It's all about what we get, not what you mean that is important. There have been shit load of discussion about this in Art discussion all over the world in every age of it. It's easy for you to say random things and then pretend that there's a meaning behind it. Making the effort to be understood and having the abilities to be so is what makes the difference between a crazy stupid guy a genius one. Being so "mysterious" isn't making you dramatic, intelligent or poetic, it just makes you look like a fool... etc."

You guys lack some imagination.
I was having that discussion with a friend today, who do you think they should use for the next films, as the Riddler, Poison Eve, Batgirl (maybe), Catwoman (Maybe), the Penguin, Robin, etc?