The Definite Tuska Thread

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DeepInMisery said:
i think it means pain.
I had a rather embarassing conversation with a Finn at a local show here several months ago. I told him I was considering "travelling to Tuska," and I asked where it is exactly, and he said Helsinki, and I said, "No, where is Tuska," and he repeated himself, and he must've seen my confused expression, so he said softly, "Tuska means pain, you know." :blush:
Yhm, actually, tuska means more than just simple pain (which would be kipu) - I kind of lack the words to describe the whole meaning of the word, but I guess agony would be a rather close english translation. However, tuska can be used in a wider range of situations and in many ways.

Just a simple example:

Minä tuskailen opintojeni kanssa. = I have a hard time with my studies.

Tuska is a great word (not to be confused with tussu, which means something completely different...:p)

Actually tuska is a shitty word. In finland we these people, teenager girls, which seem to have tuska (in this case, angst) for everyone:
Buhuu, i hate life!!!1!!11!! so i must cut my arm and gather sympathy.
So if finnish uses noun tuska, he is just making fun of stupid bitches.
Tussu is an ugly word.
this place smells funny.... :tickled:

so what's going on here, and where is this "PAIN" everyone is going to see?