The Dimmu Borgir Thread

Best Album

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Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
All the while I've been on this forum, I've seen this band trashed left and right. For some time I tried to hide my love for this band, to the point that I limited my listens to it so that it wouldn't show up in my sig. But I've decided, fuck it. I love this band, and find none of their albums to be remotely terrible. Of course, some albums are greater than others.

For laughs I've included a "best album" poll but that's not what this discussion is limited to. I want to get to the root of why this band, which has created great music, is so abhorred by so many people who claim to be beyond the "wading in" stages of metal fandom.

Undoubtedly this band has incorporated more accessible elements into its sound since Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, but I fail to see how that automatically voids their listenability to true metal fans who like other gateway bands such as Deicide or Iron Maiden just as much as those just getting into metal.

Please note that I respect that their music flat out doesn't appeal to some people. I only have a problem with those people who trash this band purely to boost their personal "kvlt factor". I'm sick of seeing this band referred to as a "guilty pleasure" for those who like it but are embarrassed to listen to it in a group of elite metalheads. Then again, it could just be me.

IMO, Spiritual Black Dimensions is their peak. It combines the fantastic melodies of EDT with a step up in symphonic complexity and atmosphere.
I've seen them live and they didn't really impress, however I've never really delved into their discography. I've never been a great fan of symphonic BM though, so I guess that is where my ambivalent attitude towards them comes from. I view certain aspects of their music and image as exaggerated. That said, I do remember liking a couple of songs.
I think they are great... good music, good atmosphere and they make a good living from it... enjoyed them live the only time I've seen them... in the end, if you enjoy it, who gives a fuck what others say or think? musicis personal, people shouldn't be afriad to put out their love of a band. Dimmu rock.
i like them but they aren't a guilty pleasure because i have so much stuff to listen to that i rarely listen to them. once in awhile they can be fun.
Because I feel that this band gets too much hate for selling out. Just because you make more accessible music doesn't mean it automatically goes to shit.

I find plenty of depth in this band, especially in Spiritual Black Dimensions.
I don't think their earlier albums are so bad, but the newer ones don't have any depth at all.
They lose depth as they go along, but I still find their later stuff sufficiently rewarding. The latest, however, is the least.
Yeah, I pretty much think they fucking rule and that they would get zero hate if they weren't so popular. I mean, if Agalloch can be remotely kvlt, with being as accessible and unmetal as they are, then Dimmu might as well be Nokturnal Mortum.

Not a huge fan of In Sorte Diaboli but I don't despise it. I like all the rest. I agree with you about Spiritual Black Dimensions being the best with a great balance. I'm also a huge fan of Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia.
I'm never been ashamed to admit that I really like Dimmu Borgir. I think though, it may be possible that I am losing interest in the band...DCA was the last album that I really cared for by them. Anyhow, I'm still a big fan and I'm not really going to get into a debate on them 'cause I've defended them plenty of times. However, I do wish that they would incorporate a bit more guitar into their sound, like they did when they had Astennu.

From favourite to least-favourite.
1. For All Tid
2. Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
3. Spiritual Black Dimensions
4. Death Cult Armageddon
5. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
6. Stormblast
7. In Sorte Diaboli
8. Stormblast (2005)
All the while I've been on this forum, I've seen this band trashed left and right. For some time I tried to hide my love for this band, to the point that I limited my listens to it so that it wouldn't show up in my sig. But I've decided, fuck it. I love this band, and find none of their albums to be remotely terrible. Of course, some albums are greater than others.

:lol: This paragraph owns! You're such a poser! :lol::lol:

But seriously, I truly believe that all of us have at least hints of wanting to please our fellow metalheads with our own trveness...some more than others. But huge props for coming out on this one Zeph. Personally my black metal exposure and concern for that scene is so limited that I have little idea who is what, and I don't much care. So you're good with me :lol:

My motto is, "like what you like, but like it because you like it".
For some time I tried to hide my love for this band, to the point that I limited my listens to it so that it wouldn't show up in my sig. But I've decided, fuck it.


We had a decent argument about them in the "music you like" thread. Here were some of the highlights, if anyone cares. Might help move the upcoming debate along.

Dimmu Borgir is pompous, overblown, intolerably corny, shallow faggothic garbage masquerading as some kind of serious music (omfg they haev a orchesrta!). There is just no way anybody with taste can take this band seriously. However the rest of the black metal genre appears to you is irrelevant.

Let's just face it, Dimmu Borgir sucks on all grounds, chiefly musical grounds. And image, lyrics, etc., DO matter. Or rather, can matter, depending on the values of the person in mind. And if you say "well you're stupid if you think image is important," then please just shut up for being ignorant and not understanding.

I already specifically stated that I don't like how they've clearly deliberately made their music more palatable and accessible over time, how terrible the vocals are and the way the metal parts of their songs are generally extremely simplistic and have to hide behind the symphonic parts. I've never even read any of their lyrics.

I don't see Dimmu as being artistically vapid just because they're accessible. I find a lot of fascinating moods in their music through their riffs and their use of keyboards. Take the psychotic, carnival-esque mood that prevails in SBD. How many albums out there can you really hear a sound like that on?

Still, if you can't manage to find any artistic depth in their music, it still says something that they have a lot of catchy, rhythmically-strong music.

They're just boring. The synths are cheesy as can be. Too many chug riffs and over reliance on core-like syncopated riffing during verse sections. Lack of good melodies from guitars, yet somehow resembles melodeath more than black metal really.

It bugs me how people discount vocals and keyboards in metal, especially for bands in which those instruments play an equal role with the guitars and drums. Of course you're not going to like Dimmu Borgir if you think the keyboards just play a backing role and that the guitar riffs are the focus.
All the while I've been on this forum, I've seen this band trashed left and right. For some time I tried to hide my love for this band, to the point that I limited my listens to it so that it wouldn't show up in my sig. But I've decided, fuck it. I love this band, and find none of their albums to be remotely terrible. Of course, some albums are greater than others.

For laughs I've included a "best album" poll but that's not what this discussion is limited to. I want to get to the root of why this band, which has created great music, is so abhorred by so many people who claim to be beyond the "wading in" stages of metal fandom.

Undoubtedly this band has incorporated more accessible elements into its sound since Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, but I fail to see how that automatically voids their listenability to true metal fans who like other gateway bands such as Deicide or Iron Maiden just as much as those just getting into metal.

Please note that I respect that their music flat out doesn't appeal to some people. I only have a problem with those people who trash this band purely to boost their personal "kvlt factor". I'm sick of seeing this band referred to as a "guilty pleasure" for those who like it but are embarrassed to listen to it in a group of elite metalheads. Then again, it could just be me.

IMO, Spiritual Black Dimensions is their peak. It combines the fantastic melodies of EDT with a step up in symphonic complexity and atmosphere.

They kick ass, i just got a dimmu shirt today :p Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is my favorite, followed by Stormblast 2005 other then that i have only heard Death Cult Armageddon and their new one. i havent delved much into them. What do you think i should get next Zeph?
They kick ass, i just got a dimmu shirt today :p Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is my favorite, followed by Stormblast 2005 other then that i have only heard Death Cult Armageddon and their new one. i havent delved much into them. What do you think i should get next Zeph?

Spirtiual Black Dimensions, especially since EDT is your favorite.