the dorian thinks about starting a thread and then changes his mind

:lol: X a million
I ignored both of them....but one of them tried to send me a picture of herself "naked" this evening.
She didn't obviously....or it would be all over this forum ha

lol!!! "patients"
fuck. I don't think I've ever EVER had an attractive patient. No, there was *one*. One out of about a million.

And, yes, I hit on her.
haha, nurses around here look more like this gang. (although the blondie could be a winner)


as far as speakers, JL's rule from what I read. never had any personally.
but I am realy itching to do some frivolous spending meself.
^thats about right :lol: The ratio of attractive people is probably very comparable to the "outside" world. There's even hot spots, comparable to say, a college campus, where there's a much higher ratio of attractive people. In hospitals, those areas tend to be the intensive care units. But now that you've gotten me thinking about it, I bet I could count on two hands the number of true hot chicks I've met over the past decade. I could probably even remember their names and post links to their FB pages ha

Speaking of speakers, I'm perusing Dynaudio's website. It's a horrible site (maybe you could help them out there?) but their speakers are supposed to be amazing. Buy me some and I'll write a review :loco:
lol @ "frivolous spending" Sounds about right. I can't imagine what the wife would do if I spent > $1000 on audio equipment for my car when the fender and headlight are hanging on by a couple of (bent) bolts.
haha that picture looks like it might be a gang of ER nurses. They're really sloppy. Different uniforms and shit. The one chick in the back is wearing an actual t-shirt. I dont know what that is around their necks...a phone maybe.
heh....t-shirt chick reminds me of this particular sub-type of nurse who always insisted on wearing really tight and somewhat revealing shirts....not scrub tops by any means. I use past-tense because there was a wave of crackdown on this type of chick. I saw it happen haha because I go to so many different facilities and I kept a mental tally on who dressed like that (so I could deliberately ignore them). Anyway, the cleavage-shower is now extinct. Good riddance.
It's hard to explain....basically the type of chick that does that is generally annoying.
that wasn't funny but thanks for the courtesy chuckle. :loco:

so really this thread needs some boobs or other nasville adventures
cant think of any Nashville adventures but I *am* working some OT this month and I think I'm going to get a pair of these
what do you bitches think?
more importantly, what are the odds that I'll actually buy them?