the dorian thinks about starting a thread and then changes his mind

^thats about right :lol: The ratio of attractive people is probably very comparable to the "outside" world. There's even hot spots, comparable to say, a college campus, where there's a much higher ratio of attractive people. In hospitals, those areas tend to be the intensive care units. But now that you've gotten me thinking about it, I bet I could count on two hands the number of true hot chicks I've met over the past decade. I could probably even remember their names and post links to their FB pages ha

There's quite a few attractive nurses over here, but the ratio is still 1:30. Most are either grossly pear shaped, or look like Manny Pacquiao. The sights are slim at night, no woman who cares about their appearance works graveyard for long. During the day however, it's Code Pink.
haha...this thread...I have some good "nashville stories" but I'm scared to tell them here

Anyway...I'm annoyed that I signed up for that overtime. I can't find anything to spend the money on haha
too complex. too many gay variables. hi-fi speakers are a total rip-off...after a certain price threshold, all you're paying for is the aesthetics of the cabinet. If I did buy a pair of stereo speakers, I'd eventually be mad that I didnt buy a full 5.1 system, then I'd be mad that I had to buy a new receiver to go with them, and then I'd be mad that I had to rearrange all my furniture *just so*. It's pretty ridiculous. I think it's fair to proclaim that sound out of the TV is just pure one's going to disagree with that...and to have hi-def sources like 1080p and BD and all that crap without the sound to go with seems like such a waste.
yeah i agree ... I listen to everything on PC speakers, shitty ones at that. $35 w/ subwoofer from Staples.

They sound great to me and had many a vicious houseparty where I cranked them to sick levels.

But something like this would be nice again, if I ever get a nice house

hahaha, right on, Aurel. I pump everything through $100 Sony 3-way speakers and they sound great for what I listen to. With 8-inch woofers, I don't even need a sub. I disconneced it the other day and put it in the attic haha...too much bass is still too much.

The system in the pic above is beautiful. I'm going to wait a year or so until the wife and I are both done with grad school and then get something nice like that. Monitor Audio makes a system that kicks my dick in.

C'mon Jonathan. We all know that you will never gather up the cajones and actually purchase anything for sheer pleasure. Like this thread predicates, you will change your mind.
hahaha smartass!
Give me some credit. I at least went and auditioned some nice speakers. Post #27 pretty much sums it up for me though....I have a ceiling on how much I can spend right now. That'll change dramatically in a year or so. Also, there is not a room in this house that can respectfully accomodate anything nice, be it a stereo setup or a 5.1 :lol:
haha yeah...the Boxster Spyder was just going to be a tad inconvenient :lol:
Maybe next time
clearly your "for sheer pleasure" dollars are not spent right

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LOL I'd like to drive over that thing in an M1A1 Abrams....with the guy still inside of course.

More importantly, I'm going to drop the hammer on something here soon. I don't know on what, thought. Something fun. Like a new washing machine. Or maybe some lawn care equipment.
I got some chigger spray last fall. Looking forward to using that.
Goddam chiggers.