the dynamite politics thread

Salamurhaaja said:
Yep, american power, pretty much the same as the school bully beating
up the cripple young kid, in the wheelchair, for the lunch money.

Give it up, admit why you went there, we all know it, but like the bully,
USA is a bunch of cowards, so they won't.

this 'cripled little kid' invaded it's neighbouring country indiscriminately killing civillians with the sole intention of a hostile occupation. on the way out it burned all the populations livelihood. the baathists even tried to burn all of the iraqi peoples own oilfields in an act of spite. your analogy is pretty ridiculous.
Wonderful to have a president like that.
And btw, from what I have hear of Al Gore lately, he would have been
a helluva better president, had he been the president, 911 shit might
not have happened.

oh my dear god will you listen to yourself!!! that's some solution. 'oh if only .....then none of this would have happened'. the world is a better place without saddam hussein having control of iraq.
veil the sky said:
the baathists even tried to burn all of the iraqi peoples own oilfields in an act of spite. your analogy is pretty ridiculous.

Who gives a fuck what they do in THEIR country, sure it might not be
to our liking but it's THEIR country, we have no right to tell them what
to do, or actually the USA has no right, we never even tried, cos unlike
USA, we don't try to boss and bully everyone.

What comes to them attacking Kuwait, sure, that was fucked up, but
they basicly had the USAs approval on it and they did pay for it or
don't you think 12 years of sanctions are enough?

Burning of the oil fields is a real smart idea actually, that means the
USA won't bother them and also the more you burn, the less USA
bothers anyone, cos GOD forbid they ever ran out of oil for you SUVs,
jesus, they'd rather take it up the ass first.

Oh and now that I noticed, YOU take it up the ass too, what the fuck
happened to your country, they are even more pathetic than the USA
these days. Here boy, sit, good little doggie, here's a treat for you...

Now STFU and go read a book, this is not your precious bullshit
hatepit, can you people let anything go.... oh, sorry, you did, you let
USA ran all over, you fucking whimps.
Salamurhaaja said:
Who gives a fuck what they do in THEIR country, sure it might not be
to our liking but it's THEIR country, we have no right to tell them what
to do, or actually the USA has no right, we never even tried, cos unlike
USA, we don't try to boss and bully everyone.
I remember sweden was pretty flat when the nazi's went through here into norway too.. :rolleyes:
'cept not my relatives though.. they looted they trains :lol:
@veil the sky: you're entitled to support the war if you like, just don't justify yourself saying that it was because Saddam is a tyrant and commited many crimes because the USA and it's meek allies wouldn't give a damn about it if it wasn't for the oil and the fact that they think they have to show off their power in the zone.
veil the sky said:

i suppose Salamurhaaja thinks the British and the US should have left the nazi to do what they want as well.....

Touche what?
I happen to be a finn, not a swede, tho I do work in Sweden, in case
you haven't payed attention, so what Sweden did has no effect on me
what so ever.

Sooooo, let me see Nazis and the USA, what exactly is the difference??

BTW, Finland was receiving aid from the Nazies, to fight against Russia
in WWII, so I can't really say much bad about them, as for what comes
to USA, who the fuck needed them there? Read some of Villains posts to
know why. As for UK, well, I don't think they really could have let the
Nazies do what they want, since they were next on the list.

Of course comparing Nazies and Saddam/Iraq is a waste of time, since
Saddam isn't/wasn't attacking anyone (outside of HIS country

I'm still wondering where those WMDs are hidden, but I bet they are
still in GW Bushes pussy, if there is room since Mr. Blair and his
country moved in.
Prior to the Civil War, the United States was thought of by it's people as just that - a plural noun. A collection of self-interested states bickering amongst themselves. After the war we began to think of ourselves as one united nation. It's the same thing with the UN right now. It's still in it's infancy. In order for the UN to truly work correctly, all of it's members must be on equal footing. This is a long ways away, but in order for it to start on that course, the last remnants of the archaic state governments like Iraq and N. Korea must be abolished. You can call this the Western world (or the US, for that matter) imposing it's will on a people, but the fact of the matter is that a free capitalist country does a helluva lot better than one under an intensely hierarchical government. Take a look at a satelite view of the night sky of the Korean penninsula if you have any doubts. A free Iraq and a free N. Korea benefits everyone, most of all, the citezens of that country.

And yes, I do think it would benefit everyone here to separate any personal feelings towards any of the players involved here, be it the US, Iraq, UK, etc. It only makes you sound stupid and foolish.

OK, that's it, I'm off to bed...

DeepInMisery said:
but hey. removing a dictator from his tyranny.
hating/disliking US and/or their foreign politics.

Well, I for one would love to see the US tyrant removed from power.
He wasn't fucking elected. This makes anything the USA does a fucking
JOKE. Get your OWN country into order before trying to "help" others
with theirs.
BBC News said:
Iraq files 'show al-Qaeda link'

He told the BBC: "I noticed on some of the documents there were some
marks erased out... we scraped away with a razor and underneath we
found the name Bin Laden three times and obviously realised this was
highly significant.


He said: "Perhaps significantly the CIA had been through many of these
buildings but they seem to have missed this particular document.

Source: BBC News

I am so laughing my ass at this one, I guess he never thought of the
fact that this "find" would maybe sound a bit more believable from the
mouth of a reporter, than of the CIA?

Either that or he has been in on it from the beginning.

Sure, you just accidentally stumbled on to it :lol: :lol:

BTW, I just saw the movie Wag The Dog today, I suggest everyone
to take a look, paints quite a scary picture...
BBC News said:
US testing Iraq chemical find

The Pentagon announcement came as hospital workers in Baghdad
said at least 12 people had been killed by explosions at an ammunition
dump on the edge of the Iraqi capital.

Source: BBC News

Please, look here, we _may_ have chemical weapons here. Pay no
attention to the dead people, who would still be alive if we weren't

Just look, we _possibly_ have chemical weapons here.

Yes, we are inspecting EVERY unmarked barrel in Iraq for chemical
weapons, this country can't have _that_ many barrels, right?
I means, it's not even as big as the US, how many barrels could they
possibly have here?

What are you talking about straws?
BBC News said:
(this is from the same piece as the above one, but it's a bit more
interesting, so deserves a post of it's own)

The Sunday Times, meanwhile, said that France had regularly briefed
Iraqi officials on its dealings with the US as recently as late 2001.

The paper said the information was contained in files found in the
wreckage of the Iraqi foreign ministry.

The briefings, which came partly from "friends of Iraq" at the French
foreign ministry, kept Saddam Hussein abreast of America's war plans,
according to the paper.

Source: BBC News

Hahahaha, it's funny what all you can find among wreckage, surprising
how all the documents are "current".

Interesting how France is now linked with this thing, wonder how they
will connect Canada, Cuba, Germany, Russia, China, North Korea and
some other countries to this one too.

Gee, I bet they will start the bombing of Paris in 48 hours, unless they
turn the "terrorist" leaders to the US authorities.

Fuck, this thing is really getting out of hand, WWIII here we come!
Thanatos said:
@veil the sky: you're entitled to support the war if you like, just don't justify yourself saying that it was because Saddam is a tyrant and commited many crimes because the USA and it's meek allies wouldn't give a damn about it if it wasn't for the oil and the fact that they think they have to show off their power in the zone.

substance? evidence?

iraq accounts for less than 3% of the world's oil supplies. it's a bloody expensive way to get cheaper oil to wage war. it's also impossible that both the US and Britain could simultaneously benefit from any control over iraqi oil because their economic interests are in direct contrast [/refutes argument about oil ......agian]
veil the sky said:
substance? evidence?

iraq accounts for less than 3% of the world's oil supplies. it's a bloody expensive way to get cheaper oil to wage war. it's also impossible that both the US and Britain could simultaneously benefit from any control over iraqi oil because their economic interests are in direct contrast [/refutes argument about oil ......agian]

Actually, you are again totally wrong, look at history, USA BENEFITS
from going to war, I'm sorry, but the sad truth is, they need a war every
10 years or so, that is what runs their economy, that and the need for
oil is the reason for the war, pure and simple.
And I won't even mention the need for war cos that takes focus of the
stolen election and the shambles that is USA right now.

And btw, 3% is a helluva lot, especially when you combine it with the
other benefits, like the showing of power... and I will let you think on
that for a while.

And of course UK won't benefit from this, they are USAs lapdog, why
should they be given anything anyway.
Salamurhaaja said:
Touche what?
I happen to be a finn, not a swede, tho I do work in Sweden, in case
you haven't payed attention, so what Sweden did has no effect on me
what so ever.

Sooooo, let me see Nazis and the USA, what exactly is the difference??
i can only assume you aren't being even remotely serious.......

BTW, Finland was receiving aid from the Nazies, to fight against Russia
in WWII, so I can't really say much bad about them, as for what comes
to USA, who the fuck needed them there? Read some of Villains posts to
know why.

no. why don't you enlighten me? you think the war would have been won in exactly the same without any american troops there? do you harbour some massive conspiracy theory about the history books we have?

As for UK, well, I don't think they really could have let the
Nazies do what they want, since they were next on the list.

so you believe we should only ever take international action when we are in direct threat of invasion? that's a pretty dangerous and selfish world view to have.

Of course comparing Nazies and Saddam/Iraq is a waste of time, since
Saddam isn't/wasn't attacking anyone (outside of HIS country

oh look another liberal with a 10 year memory......

I'm still wondering where those WMDs are hidden, but I bet they are
still in GW Bushes pussy, if there is room since Mr. Blair and his
country moved in.

ooh very constructive!
Salamurhaaja said:
Actually, you are again totally wrong, look at history, USA BENEFITS
from going to war, I'm sorry, but the sad truth is, they need a war every
10 years or so, that is what runs their economy, that and the need for
oil is the reason for the war, pure and simple.
And I won't even mention the need for war cos that takes focus of the
stolen election and the shambles that is USA right now.

And btw, 3% is a helluva lot, especially when you combine it with the
other benefits, like the showing of power... and I will let you think on
that for a while.

And of course UK won't benefit from this, they are USAs lapdog, why
should they be given anything anyway.

3% is a hell of a lot???? what planet are you on???

north america has it's own oil reserves and enough to be entirely self-sufficient. cheaper oil from iraq would lower the price of US oil and make it totally unviable as an economic export and would financially damage US oil companies and the economy. even then it's still only 3%.

i like the way you say it like it's obvious as if that counts as some sort of argument.

and how does spending billions upon billions of dollars on a war effort sustain an economy??? your understanding of economics seems a little .....backwards!

and how is 'showing of power' economically beneficial? it isn't, obviously. so you must be seriously suggesting that the coallition countries have spent billions on weapons and sent their people to die in the middle east........ to show off........ have you actually stopped to consider the complete absurdity of this proposition?

The UK is the USA's lapdog ......well done ......hooray, great point again!
Salamurhaaja said:
Actually, you are again totally wrong, look at history, USA BENEFITS
from going to war, I'm sorry, but the sad truth is, they need a war every
10 years or so, that is what runs their economy, that and the need for
oil is the reason for the war, pure and simple.

i think we can differentiate between a country benefiting for a war and a country going to war for a specific reason, namely oil.
while i agree on the former - but then again, it seems pretty natural that you go to war when you think of getting something out of it - i'm of the same mind as veil the sky on the latter: oil itself wouldn't have been enough of a reason. there are others, and i say they're more political and social than economical.
