The "Education" Thread

In studying for the GRE I have determined I am about 2x as good as the avg (or better) at Verbal and maybe 2x as bad (or worse) as the avg at Quantitative. All this "high school math" I never had or only glossed in College Algebra - which I promptly forgot upon completing.
I'm preparing a paper of mine to submit for publication. I have my fingers crossed, but, considering this is my first attempt at becoming published, I'm keeping my expectations realistic. My thesis is original though, so I think I stand a chance. Do you guys have any advice you may be able to offer me?

I think you're a history major right? Is this the paper on the victimization of Belgian women during WW2 or something? I wouldn't mind reading it, if you don't mind man
I think you're a history major right? Is this the paper on the victimization of Belgian women during WW2 or something? I wouldn't mind reading it, if you don't mind man

Nah, that paper was on British women's roles in the First World War, but that one is a directly seminar related paper and isn't up to par for publication. The paper I want to try to get published is on Richard Wagner's antisemitism. My thesis in it is a bit controversial because it deviates from the status quo opinion. Basically, I argue that Wagner's antisemitism wasn't as cut and dry as conventional opinion makes it out to be, with the conventional opinion being Wagner was a precursor to Hitler, though I don't directly address the conventional opinion. PM me your email and I'll send it your way. Your opinion would be much appreciated.

edit: Yes, I'm a history major. Music history isn't my field nor the field I plan on getting into, but I have a strong interest in it. I took a course called "History of Race and Racism" last semester and planned the paper topic with my professor a year prior to that. My professor and I were pretty close and I took the course for honors credit, so she let me have free-rein with the project.
The university I'm transferring to screwed me with a scholarship mistake. The amount I was initially notified of being awarded covered both tuition and room and board. It turns out that was a mistake and the scholarship only covers tuition and about a thousand dollars worth of room and board. I scrambled to get on board with an additional transfer scholarship to cover the rest, but, after being ignored for a couple of weeks, I found out today that I'm ineligible because I'm receiving an honors scholarship.

I was going to give in and use subsidized loans to cover the rest of the costs, but that fell through as well. Because of the fact that I was awarded scholarships and it's assumed that I'm receiving financial assistance from my parents (which I'm not), the amount of subsidized loans I can take out has been reduced to a hair over a thousand dollars. I would have to take out unsubsidized to cover the rest. I'm unwilling to take out unsubsidized loans because, if all goes according to plan, I will stay in school until I get my PhD, some eight years from now, and I cannot have the principle of the debt accruing interest for the next 8 years.

On the bright side, tuition is covered. But it looks like I'll be sleeping in my car and showering at the gym for the next two years.
The university I'm transferring to screwed me with a scholarship mistake. The amount I was initially notified of being awarded covered both tuition and room and board. It turns out that was a mistake and the scholarship only covers tuition and about a thousand dollars worth of room and board. I scrambled to get on board with an additional transfer scholarship to cover the rest, but, after being ignored for a couple of weeks, I found out today that I'm ineligible because I'm receiving an honors scholarship.

I was going to give in and use subsidized loans to cover the rest of the costs, but that fell through as well. Because of the fact that I was awarded scholarships and it's assumed that I'm receiving financial assistance from my parents (which I'm not), the amount of subsidized loans I can take out has been reduced to a hair over a thousand dollars. I would have to take out unsubsidized to cover the rest. I'm unwilling to take out unsubsidized loans because, if all goes according to plan, I will stay in school until I get my PhD, some eight years from now, and I cannot have the principle of the debt accruing interest for the next 8 years.

On the bright side, tuition is covered. But it looks like I'll be sleeping in my car and showering at the gym for the next two years.

Weekend job, sublet a room.
Yeah, it must be possible to get some part-time work and find a unit cheap enough that you can afford it with the thousand plus. If the stipend is toward room and board, does that mean it's distributed monthly, or only per semester?
I already have a part-time job, but I had my hopes up that I would be able to focus more intensely on my studies than I have been able to prior. Back to working 30-40 hours a week throughout the semester. I'm checking out rooms on craigslist, but I can split the rent at my brother's apartment if it comes to that. His place is a little far from my campus though.

Unfortunately, at least from what I've heard thus far, the stipend money for room and board is only available if I'm living on campus. So that's $2800 deducted from the full scholarship. I need to double check with them tomorrow though.
GRE done! 322 total (1240-90 on the old scale), perfect verbal section. The math was a little more challenging than the practice, but improved verbal cancelled out most of the dropped points there.
Welp, in addition to my conference paper I also just submitted an essay to Modernism/modernity. I haven't heard anything yet, but this is a tough journal to get published in, and it could be months before I hear anything; so here's hoping.

In addition to those I have two other papers that I'm hoping to get into publishable shape soon: one is on Henry James and H.P. Lovecraft; a comparison of sorts, although it's more interested in how Lovecraft's work serves as a clarification of the Jamesian shift from realism to modernism.

The other is a very speculative piece on black metal as terrorism; or, more appropriately, that black metal as a musical aesthetic is isomorphic with the cultural logic of terrorism (whatever, it's fucked up, but it sounds sensational). Anyway, it probably wouldn't make it into a literary journal, so I might submit it to Theory, Culture & Society or something like that.
I imagine anyone who doesn't enjoy extreme metal varieties (most people?) would be receptive to such an argument. However, (taking my normal role of devil's advocate) the real existential threat of violent terrorism compared to a guy screaming (even melodiously?) into a microphone in concert with rhythm and/or melody smacks of sensationalism.
It is sensational. Sensation isn't necessarily bad as long as it's not being used to conceal blatant falsities.

You mention enjoyment; I take that issue up in the essay. According to the rules of conventional musical aesthetics, black metal draws upon techniques and styles that are explicitly non-pleasurable. The paradox of enjoyment in black metal is thus that fans and musicians enjoy it because it is unenjoyable. Similarly, terrorism deploys an aesthetics of the unenjoyable, or rather, the undesirable (if we consider the conventional rules of biological survival - it isn't conducive to life to strap explosives to one's chest). Both are forms of attack on conventional values.
My school is amazing. Amazing culture, amazing teachers and principal and phenomenal students. I'm super lucky to have small classes (biggest class is 27 smallest is 17) and few classes overall (4) which means I get to really focus on my students.

Super excited for our next unit, which is foundations of democracy. We're looking at Hobbes, Rousseau and Locke. I'm super excited to get into these topics and themes with the students, though I'm gonna have to scaffold the hell out of the readings. Beyond being beyond many of my students' reading levels, some of these guys, Locke especially, are terrible writers. I swear the guy doesn't know what a period is.
Back to the school grind tomorrow - nothing spectacularly difficult, but just blatantly all uninteresting classes.

Some math and a chemistry class, environmental law and just to fit in 12 credit hours and have every thing covered by financial aid intro to music and art (a simple 1 credit hour class)
I have a B.A. in political science, an M.A. in religious studies from King's College London, and I'm a certified English teacher currently in the Peace Corps. I may get another Master's degree after this or even a PhD if I can get full funding. Or I may get another more advanced teaching certification. Or I may apply for government work directly or try for the Foreign Service or some IO/NGO. I educate myself daily by reading tons and tons of books and keeping up with the news. Education is a lifelong process that should never end. There's always something new to learn.
so this is fun. wall of text incoming...

I'm all nervous and anxious. Got this email from the Rio Hondo Weekend College Coordiator:
"Hello Michael,
Two students Bozo and Doofus came to the Weekend College looking for the DEV Writing Class which was scheduled in A215 from 11:15 am – 2:25 pm. I went to your class with the students and the classroom was locked and empty. I unlocked the door thinking that you might have left a message or a note on the white board. The same two students were with you earlier at the Learning Center in your ENG 035 Class. They got worried that something could have happened …. I personally went around campus looking for you but was not able to locate you. Moreover, another student named Pennywise was looking for you as well. (Pennywise was not in your early morning class)
Would you please follow this up and close the loop with your Division ---- many thanks for your cooperation.
PS: Somehow I get the feeling you might have changed classrooms and or dismissed class early! (Please copy me for my records-THANKS)"

My reply:
"Hi Vic,
I met with my English 35W section in the Writer Center. Bozo and Pennywise failed to show at the Writing Center. We were there for thirty minutes as I introduced them to the Writing Center and went through the first day Writing Center orientation Powerpoint with the students. Since we were only there for 30 minutes and a majority of the students did not have the textbook, I asked the class if it would be okay with them to go ahead with the lecture. At approximately 9:50am we departed for A-215 for the lecture portion of the class where we were until 11:10a.m. We went over the syllabus and did our first lesson for the class session. Bozo and Pennywise also failed to show for that portion as well. However, I do have Doofus marked as Present for both the Lab and the Lecture portion.

I then sent a follow up email to the weekend college coordinator and my dean and stated:

"Hi Vic,

I also wanted to include a copy of my syllabus which states that if a student is more than 15 minutes late, he/she is marked absent, and if they are absent the first day of class, they will be dropped. Since these students were more than 15 minutes late for the lab section, they were marked absent. I've highlighted the relevant section in my syllabus.


The Dean then replied asking me to setup a time to meet with him. Great.