Well, in the aftermath of completing my examination, a mixed blessing: I've been offered a duty-free semester for the spring, 2016, which means I would be paid without having to teach any courses for the university. Most fellows are offered such a deal at least once after they complete their exams, but I wasn't expecting it so soon. It really is a great opportunity to focus solely on your own work and make strides toward completing the dissertation in a timely manner.
On the other hand, I was hoping to have a bit more time after completing my exam to choose my two readers and work on my prospectus (the first step in writing the dissertation). As it stands, I have to have the prospectus approved by my readers and under review by the graduate committee by January 15. This should be plenty of time, but it's cause for some stress since I don't have my two readers pinned down quite yet (this often happens post-exam). Ideally, they'll need to see a version of the prospectus before winter break so they can review it and suggest revisions; then I'll need to incorporate those suggestions, submit it once more, hopefully get it approved, and then it will go to the grad committee for review. It's going to make the next couple months quite hectic.
So, excited but tired.