The "Education" Thread

My app for grad school is in. I made it to the 2nd level last time but lost out due to a "money fit" last year. My CV is topnotch minus a Masters degree. Everything is stacked this year about as much as it could possibly be otherwise. Waiting game again.
Semester is wrapping up. Giving out finals this week and next week. Five classes, so at least they're staggered. The Honors Critical Thinking class I taught this semester has been, by far, the best class I've taught in a few years. The students were great, and I genuinely looked forward to our conversations. They also wrote some of the most insightful papers I've probably ever read. A few of the students blew me away. I feel kind of bad because this class set the bar so high that next semester I'm just going to be disappointed with everything
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Feeling good about this semester. I have 85 10th graders for my English classes and at the moment, and all but two are capable of passing with a week to go. If I could get 83 out of 85 to pass I would be extremely proud. For most of my kids English is not their first language, about 10% have IEPs, and upwards of 90% of them live in poverty. A number of my kids had written 0-2 essays before my class, so passing in a class that asks them to write 5+ essays takes a lot of resilience.

My philosophy class elective has also been quite awesome. A few students wrote really excellent, college level papers. I've also seen many of the kids develop in their ability to reason abstractly, though this is definitely a work in progress. Super stoked for next semester's curriculum: Nietzsche, Heidegger, DeBeauvoir, and Foucault.
This semester needs to fucking end, I am incredibly burnt out. I feel like I'm devoting more of my time and energy than I have in the past and it's very draining on my personal life.
I've got an app in to go back to grad school also, taking the GRE on wednesday. Why did I want to submit myself to that torture twice? I don't know. But teaching remedial math gets old pretty fast, ready for some kind of change. At least doing some research would be exciting.
This semester is over. I had the worst grad professor ever. I didn't learn a damn thing in her class. I understand it was her first time teaching it (Teaching Literacy to Adolescents with Disabilities) but still.

Also I'm halfway through the school year. My kids are always asking me to pull them out during extended learning time to make up assignments. It's great but they need to actually be on task during class because I can't always stay the extra hour. Heh, a work in progress.
Post 9/11 or Chapt 33 covers all tuition, provides a book stipend of 1k annually, and BAH for an E5 w/dependents in the zip code of the schools location. In addition, none of that is taxable income, so you're probably also eligible for Pell/school grants, which will all go into your pocket. If you have used some of the Chap 30 version, you can't get the full 4 years out of it, but you can get something.