The Game Thread

COD 6!~!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pfft. Modern Warfare 2 is where its at brah :p

Also started Borderlands yesterday, its truly awesome but the multiplayer is totally buggered, doesn't work at all and its not just me who's having issues. Gamespy really need to sort out their online play because this is supposed to be an online co-op game. :mad:
COD 6!~!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They only have 6? Psh, they could've had 25 by now, and made 5 times the money. It's not like there's too much effort put into those crappy cookie-cutter games anyway.
They only have 6? Psh, they could've had 25 by now, and made 5 times the money. It's not like there's too much effort put into those crappy cookie-cutter games anyway.

I bet you play Final Fantasy or some weaboo gaem.

I haven't tried the new COD's but the first 2 = so good.

Also, I got Arkham Asylum bundled with my GPU.

Shit is FUCKING AWESOME. Graphics are amazing, the gameplay is awesome. Simple as that.
I bet you play Final Fantasy or some weaboo gaem.

I haven't tried the new COD's but the first 2 = so good.

Also, I got Arkham Asylum bundled with my GPU.

Shit is FUCKING AWESOME. Graphics are amazing, the gameplay is awesome. Simple as that.

He makes valid points. The only CoD game that has actually been any good (bar 2) was Modern Warfare which was made by a different developer (which has now separated to make its own game). Its all just copy and paste in a different part of the world fighting different skin toned hostiles.

Also Final Fantasy 8 one of the best games ever. 8===D

Get Borderlands its so fucking sweet. Got my online working last night (you have to foreward ports) and had full co-op fighting a giant Godzilla like beast in an arena. Shit was so cash.
Yeah, I heard the new Batman game is pretty good. I wonder if my laptop can handle it.

COD may be OK as a game, but it's been getting waaaay to commercial, kind of disgusting really. And none of the new games even begin to compare to the good ol' classics like Unreal or CS or Q3A (well, Crysis was good, but not as a multiplayer game).

Well, at least COD isn't as bad as that PoS Halo. Although for historical shooters I prefer the good old BF1942.

EDIT: fcking ninja, Eddy.

FF8 was enjoyable, I've killed hours on that game, although out of the series I thought 5 and 9 had better systems.

The most recently played awesome game for me is Arcanum; the most anticipated is the new STALKER - and I'm really hoping the US version gets rid of that crappy DRM.
Oh, and isn't Borderlands that new Fallout-styled MMO? I think I heard sth about it on NMA. Does it require a monthly subscription?
Well, at least COD isn't as bad as that PoS Halo.

You did not just say that.

Halo 3 and ODST was just for milking fanboys for money, but god damnit,

Halo 1 and 2 is one of my favourite games, my best online experience was on Halo 2.

ALSO, Halo 1, 2 and 3's soundtracks are the best game soundtracks in history :mad:
Borderlands is FPS + RPG. Yes, it's a reskinned Fallout with a less gay aiming system.

Afaik, it doesn't require subscriptions. One time fee.
Borderlands is FPS + RPG. Yes, it's a reskinned Fallout with a less gay aiming system.

Afaik, it doesn't require subscriptions. One time fee.

Hmm, may consider getting it then.

What do you mean a "less gay aiming system"? The Fallout I know was point-and-click. Unless of course you're mentioning that buggy piece-of-shit spinoff total conversion mod of Oblivion that was marketed as "Fallout" :lol: (it really isn't)
Halo 1 was fun, but too similar to Unreal T. or Half-life, and not better enough to justify choosing it over either of those two. 2 is bullshit since it's for XBAWKS with shitty controls.
Borderlands is just literally FPS RGP. You point your gun, you shoot it, shit blows up. You level up. You also level skills and abilities and there are like a bazillion guns. 8==D
Halo 1 was fun, but too similar to Unreal T. or Half-life, and not better enough to justify choosing it over either of those two. 2 is bullshit since it's for XBAWKS with shitty controls.

Dude, everything was like Half Life/Quake/UT back then. And Halo 2 is bullshit because it's for the xbox with "shitty controls"? What the fuck man?

You're like Brutal Hate for videogames.

Fucks sake.


Nah but the 2nd gen of pads were great.

Plus Halo 2 online is ace (but campain is crap). Although tbf I only ever used to play on XlinksKai with no shields so like 1 headshot with Battle Rifle was a kill.
A mans way to play
I may be a videogame BH actually, yes.

But imo playing FPS with controllers is just torture. Gimme a mouse and WASD and I'll show you how it's done :D
I'll tell you one game thats highly under rated.

Saints Row 2. Its co-op is absolutely fantastic.
Granted the first thing me and my mate did was dress up in pink hot pants and pimp out a family car with NO2, sprayed it pink and then surfed it around the streets. :lol:

How fucking sweet does this game look
Comes out tomorrow. Just bought off Steam for £13.
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