The Game Thread

Well, at least COD isn't as bad as that PoS Halo.




Nah but the 2nd gen of pads were great.

Plus Halo 2 online is ace (but campain is crap). Although tbf I only ever used to play on XlinksKai with no shields so like 1 headshot with Battle Rifle was a kill.
A mans way to play

halo 2 online = fucking legendary, was the only game i played for like two years straight, halo 3's is way less fun but i can't figure out why :erk:
No dude that game is gonna blow.

Have you seen the marketing for it? They're clearly trying to make it appeal to the MMO crowd.

Also, Bioware lost lots of its credibility for me since BG2 by making NWN and Mass Effect. That's what I'd call regress, not progress.

They'll fuck it up man, I'm telling ya.

Also, BG has nothing on games like Planescape, Arcanum or TOEE.

No I didn't see the marketing for it and I couldn't care less.
NVN was alright and Mass Effect is totally different.
And don't think you impress me by naming Planescape or whatever, BG was fucking amazing.

Dragon Age will surely be great. What was the last interesting WRPG? The Witcher? And before that, Morrowind?
I'll never understand how people choose to play shooters like Halo on the Xbox instead of a PC. I've tried and tried to get used to using the pads but it just won't happen. Mouse + keyboard makes so much sense when it comes to playing shooters.
No I didn't see the marketing for it and I couldn't care less.
NVN was alright and Mass Effect is totally different.
And don't think you impress me by naming Planescape or whatever, BG was fucking amazing.

Dragon Age will surely be great. What was the last interesting WRPG? The Witcher? And before that, Morrowind?

>comparing The Witcher to Morrowind
>Implying they're related
>Implying that "The Witcher" wasn't a massive piece of shit


2/10, try again

I'll never understand how people choose to play shooters like Halo on the Xbox instead of a PC. I've tried and tried to get used to using the pads but it just won't happen. Mouse + keyboard makes so much sense when it comes to playing shooters.

I completely agree
No I didn't see the marketing for it and I couldn't care less.
NVN was alright and Mass Effect is totally different.
And don't think you impress me by naming Planescape or whatever, BG was fucking amazing.

Dragon Age will surely be great. What was the last interesting WRPG? The Witcher? And before that, Morrowind?

Well, maybe you should go fucking see it first and then talk.

ME is not totally different. It's the next in the line of the soulless Bioware products. Whether it uses the exact same system is beside the point.

Dude I'm not trying to amaze you. Judging by this post, you're not worthy of being amazed by me anyway.

The last interesting WRPG was TOEE. Morriwind is more in line with MMOs than WRPGs, and when it comes down to it is pretty atrocious compared to some other stuff.
What the fuck? You've completely lost all credibility for likening Morrowind to an MMO. And Bioware make fantastic games, they're probably one of the most dedicated developers out there right now.

"Ooh I'm going to try and seem alt by disagreeing with common opinions and namedropping RPGs from the last two decades" faggots are pretty easy to spot.
>comparing The Witcher to Morrowind
>Implying they're related
>Implying that "The Witcher" wasn't a massive piece of shit

What's wrong with The Witcher? You didnt like the combat system? Or maybe the alchemy? Whatever, it was great and Id rather play this than another JRPG such as FF14 or DQ10. Storyline was interesting, I liked the way the choices you made weren't only good or bad; it was always between those two.

Well, maybe you should go fucking see it first and then talk.

ME is not totally different. It's the next in the line of the soulless Bioware products. Whether it uses the exact same system is beside the point.

Dude I'm not trying to amaze you. Judging by this post, you're not worthy of being amazed by me anyway.

The last interesting WRPG was TOEE. Morriwind is more in line with MMOs than WRPGs, and when it comes down to it is pretty atrocious compared to some other stuff.

I don't understand your point. You are judging a game by it's marketing? Does that make any sense?
No one forces you to play the newest BioWare releases. You seem to prefer the games based on the Forgotten Realms, so just stick with these games and stop whining because they aren't releasing the same games again.
I get your point where Morrowind felt like a MMORPG but still, it was WRPG as fuck. WRPG != Forgotten Realms based-games.
What the fuck? You've completely lost all credibility for likening Morrowind to an MMO.

Morrowind is a sandbox at its finest. A single-player MMO game. You just run around, explore shit, do random quests, level up, munchkin a bunch of stuff. That's it.

Or what, are you gonna try to tell me it's an actual RPG? Don't be ridiculous, its character development system is shit.

What's wrong with The Witcher? You didnt like the combat system? Or maybe the alchemy? Whatever, it was great and Id rather play this than another JRPG such as FF14 or DQ10. Storyline was interesting, I liked the way the choices you made weren't only good or bad; it was always between those two.

Witcher was cool, if not by general standards then at least compared to the games in the last 3 years or so. The battle and levelling system wasn't stellar, but it was fun to play. Listing Witcher and Morrowind together wasn't that brilliant of an idea though.

I don't understand your point. You are judging a game by it's marketing? Does that make any sense?
No one forces you to play the newest BioWare releases. You seem to prefer the games based on the Forgotten Realms, so just stick with these games and stop whining because they aren't releasing the same games again.
I get your point where Morrowind felt like a MMORPG but still, it was WRPG as fuck. WRPG != Forgotten Realms based-games.

Well, I'll judge the game when it's out. But seeing it marketed to a Marilyn Manson song, and screaming "ooh buy me, I haz nudity, sex and violence!" really reduces my hopes. It may eventually be a decent game, maybe even good, but I'm entitled to my dose of skepticism. I don't see the point of declaring a game "awesum" just cause it looks "shiney".

It's not about it being FR or not. If anything, the best of RPGs in history aren't based in FR. It's that the gameplay is not really improving, and, if anything, deteriorating. It's that they're releasing the same game over and over, but making it more and more simplified. It's the persistance of cheesy writing, and the stale dialogue system (with the "I'm a saint-give me money-I eat babies" being the only 3 boring options - and BG suffered from this about as bas as the later Bioware games). It's the silly RTwP.

I know that I sound like I'm whining about the long-gone "golden age of RPGs", but it doesn't really mean that I should take all the crap that claims to be "RPG" that's being thrown at me by the gaming companies, even if there's a serious lack of this type of product on the market. Whoever called Fallout 3 an RPG, for example, needs to have his head cut off.

As for Morrowind, well, western games are more partial to the "sandbox" setup in some ways. Although the JRPGs haven't been devoid of it either. The point is though that there's a world of a difference between, say, Vampire:Masquerade or Fallout and Morrowind. It's just a completely different type of game.
Well I managed to get my hands on Dragon Age Origins and hopefully I will have some time to try it this weekend. We will see!

Totally unrelated, is Dead Space... good? I mean, it's a EA game but it still looks fun. I feel like playing some action-horror game, on PC.
^ I dunno, RE3 or RE4? The ports are pretty horrible though.

If you're OK with oldies, maybe try Bloodrayne? A cool game in its own right.

Don't have much to suggest other than that, not a huge fan of horror games.

DA is out, huh? Should give it a try. I'm hoping it's not too much like NWN before addons.
What's wrong with The Witcher? You didnt like the combat system? Or maybe the alchemy? Whatever, it was great and Id rather play this than another JRPG such as FF14 or DQ10. Storyline was interesting, I liked the way the choices you made weren't only good or bad; it was always between those two.


Seriously, if any game looked and acted like a MMO it has to be The Witcher, i was actually really looking forward to that game, but the retarded Combat and Alchemy system coupled with the shallow characters and story made the whole thing seem like a massive joke to me. Though i agree with your point on rather playing it than FF14 or something, i lost interest in JRPG's when they started fapping furiously over graphics and forgetting the only thing that made JRPG's were even remotely worth the money; a decent story.

The Witcher is far from the only title i've been looking forward to which have completely disappointed me, i'm sick of the stupid promises the developers make, and having to really dig through a game to even find a single shred of playable gameplay that doesnt make me utterly puke. Most recent example of this would be "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" which was an atrocious piece of shit, at best.

Tremendously retarded AI, the night looks like the day just slightly bluer rendering all night vision useless, the whole idea of tactic blew right out the window when the chinks take two bullets to the face and can smile HAPPILY ON while they fill your sorry ass with bullets(that you magically survive). The command system is so poor that i want to hurl when i think about it. Basically they failed completely at their promise; a realistic combat simulator. Instead its a mishmash of COD4 + Battlefield 2 and various other games, trying to be everything, failing at all.
Seriously, if any game looked and acted like a MMO it has to be The Witcher, i was actually really looking forward to that game, but the retarded Combat and Alchemy system coupled with the shallow characters and story made the whole thing seem like a massive joke to me. Though i agree with your point on rather playing it than FF14 or something, i lost interest in JRPG's when they started fapping furiously over graphics and forgetting the only thing that made JRPG's were even remotely worth the money; a decent story.

Are you kidding me? Witcher was a standard h&s routine, with some decent story and dialogue added. I guess it's a matter of opinion on the story, but I wouldn't really agree with the "shallow" characters. The ones that mattered were developed well enough. Also, I don't see what's there not to like about alchemy.

Not that it's a breakthrough in gaming of some sort, but compared to the "rpgs" within a 3-year range, it has probably the best-executed story and dialogue.


BTW, they're making a sequel to McGee's Alice. Scheduled for 2011. HOLY FUCK YES.
Well I managed to get my hands on Dragon Age Origins and hopefully I will have some time to try it this weekend. We will see!

Totally unrelated, is Dead Space... good? I mean, it's a EA game but it still looks fun. I feel like playing some action-horror game, on PC.

YES. Seriously get Dead Space. Its immersive, atmospheric, intuitive and made me pee my pants a few times.

Also I love Borderlands more and more each day. :cool:
Are you kidding me? Witcher was a standard h&s routine, with some decent story and dialogue added. I guess it's a matter of opinion on the story, but I wouldn't really agree with the "shallow" characters. The ones that mattered were developed well enough. Also, I don't see what's there not to like about alchemy.

Not that it's a breakthrough in gaming of some sort, but compared to the "rpgs" within a 3-year range, it has probably the best-executed story and dialogue.


BTW, they're making a sequel to McGee's Alice. Scheduled for 2011. HOLY FUCK YES.

I cant say i agree on the best-executed story remark, nor the dialogue, tbh i even prefer Stalker Clear Sky's story over The Witchers, though the dialogue in STALKER is far from stellar. My opinion on the game is probably also quite colored from that i HATED fable and fable 2, not that they are THAT closely related, i certainly got enough flashbacks, my gaming preferences has changed drastically over the past years.

Btw, anyone here ever played Rise of Nations? Whats your opinion on it? I actually loved it, though only in small doses. I could play for hours on end for days, then leave the game alone for several weeks before even considering picking it up again.