The Game Thread

YES. Seriously get Dead Space. Its immersive, atmospheric, intuitive and made me pee my pants a few times.

Also I love Borderlands more and more each day. :cool:

Did you play it on PC? I heard the controls were horrible, and I don't own any consoles.

Also, lvl 23 Mordecai here. I'm using some crazy revolver with a 4.7x scope, love it! :blush:

About The Witcher, I gotta say I played the Enhanced Edition, maybe it's a lot different from the original, I dunno.
About The Witcher, I gotta say I played the Enhanced Edition, maybe it's a lot different from the original, I dunno.

It really isn't. I played through ch 3 with 1.3 patch, then with the EE afterwards. All it did is made the inventory interface less of a pain, reduced loading times, and improved dialogue translations. Still the same game.

...but comparing dialogue in STALKER and Witcher is a stupid idea :erk: The story and dialogue in STALKER isn't all that well-written. Considering how bad the English translation must be (if it's as bad as the SoC translation), then it's even worse. I also can't see wtf Witcher has to do with Fable.

On topic of Dragon Age: I hear there's in-game NPCs that try to sell you DLCs :erk: I REALLY HOPE they're killable.

Also, some other impressions I'm gathering are: static NPCs (no day/night cycle), retarded AI coupled with "RTwP strikes back" combat system, long linear dungeons with lotsa h&s, bad balance etc. Any impressions from those who got it? I'm still waiting to get mine.

Also, anyone here who hated the Witcher story will probably dislike Dragon Age as well, since it, ahem, "borrowed" some ideas from the Witcher.

Did you play it on PC? I heard the controls were horrible, and I don't own any consoles.

I don't own the said game, so I'm not sure how customizable the controls are. I hear there's some problems as well. But if it's that problematic, and you wanna play the game, just get a USB controller - solves most issues. I usually use mine for games like DMC.
Did you play it on PC? I heard the controls were horrible, and I don't own any consoles.

I can, by playing 15 minutes of Dead Space, tell you that this is a game meant for consoles.

The mouse is really unresponsive, but you can fix that by turning off vsync and wanking up mouse sensitivity. Still will be a tiny tiny amount, but you won't notice that.
PC better for FPS and RTS and other such things.
Console better for Action/3rd person wankery/Platformer etc.

Now can we continue talking about leet games.

EDIT: 2 Hours until Shattered Horizon :D
Just played some Left 4 Dead :cool: Haven't bothered to check out the L4D2 demo yet.

Now I will get some cola, and play some Team Fortress.

I dunno, I really like the TF game system, but I really dislike the way they handled the rest of it in TF2. It's just so damn cartoony and all. I liked older ones better (Q3a fortress, Unreal fortress etc.)
I mean it's part that, and part also that I'd rather like to see it be a bit more serious/spectacular. For cartoony violence and LOLZ there's Worms Armageddon >:))
I agree with Crazy Anus on this one

You only play Arma, your argument is invalid.

I mean it's part that, and part also that I'd rather like to see it be a bit more serious/spectacular. For cartoony violence and LOLZ there's Worms Armageddon >:))

So it's like every other FPS?

That's what makes TF2 unique, either you like it or you don't.

I personally find it relaxing, it isn't so serious.
That's what makes TF2 unique, either you like it or you don't.

I personally find it relaxing, it isn't so serious.

Well, maybe so. IMO, what makes it unique is the class system, and the game setup. Kind of like stuff like Bombing Run made UT2004 unique.