The Game Thread

So I've heard, did you download it? I hear its like fully cracked and that the online multiplayer works aswell?
But my guess is that they will patch it eventually so I'll just buy it Friday :P
Dead Space = win

Well, for the small amount I played just now it seems pretty awesome.

Tho the mouse is really unresponsive, and I guess it takes time to get used to the POV.
Dead Space = win

Well, for the small amount I played just now it seems pretty awesome.

Tho the mouse is really unresponsive, and I guess it takes time to get used to the POV.

I thought exactly the same thing. I've only done the first part (fixing the tram) and I thought the mouse was totally tardis. I seriously enjoyed what I did play though :kickass:
What's it all about, I might aswell try it.

Hey that sounds like an excellent trade for the drumtracks I maed :blush:

Both you guise check PM's for invites ftw :cool:

If any else are interested, here's the link to the main site:

I've got 3 more invites. It's basically like a 5v5 team battle playing as based-on-WC3 (including some original additions) heroes. Your main goal is to destroy the opposing team's throne. There are lanes of towers you must push past, enemy heroes to kill, etc. Basically while all this is happening you are playing from an RPG standpoint, leveling your hero while obtaining the gold for new item (recipes). The main objective of the game aside, the heart of the fun of all this is ganking/killing enemy heroes and having juicy 5on5 clashes. To be honest the game at its current state is still pretty broken/imbalanced, but I think in time this game will turn out to be pretty good, just like how DotA of WC3 did.
Also: Mirror's Edge = EPIC

It's basically a first person runner/freejumping/escape game, with awesome graphics.
I have always wanted a game like this.

I can't imagine how it will be with mah new specs!

Just feel free to ask your team in-game about any questions you have, and ask me on MSN as well or something (although I won't be on much if at all until Tuesday next week). Your team in-game will most likely be bitches when you ask them stuff, but it's a damn beta and you'd be playing in "noob"-rating games to start, so fuck them :lol: And just to get the hang of the first few games you play, perhaps try to stick with one hero you find interesting/cool and get comfortable using him. Most games allow you to pick your hero, but just in case they should usually say "AP" somewhere in the title, which stands for AllPick.

I checked out the preview for Mirror's Edge. Totally not what I was expecting haha. I'm gonna download the demo onto my PC or 360 when I get back home.
So I've heard, did you download it? I hear its like fully cracked and that the online multiplayer works aswell?
But my guess is that they will patch it eventually so I'll just buy it Friday :P

It is already released in North America. I had pre-ordered the game on steam.
Also: Mirror's Edge = EPIC

It's basically a first person runner/freejumping/escape game, with awesome graphics.
I have always wanted a game like this.

Oh yah Mirror's Edge is like totally new man.