The Game Thread

Yeah. The new maps were a bit more expensive than they should have been imo, but they're all pretty good. That and for getting them on the first day of release XBL extended my gold membership, which is pretty cool.
Yeah it does. I don't really have a particular tactic in that game though. I guess I snipe more than anything else. Quick Scopes ftw =]
New steam UI is fucking sexy

Because being able to have selective firing modes, different stances, leaning, more control over your character and the ability to actually aim without someone holding your hand, is something for the 90's

Enjoy your nerfed games, meanwhile I'll go play games for those of us who can keep track of more than 4 buttons at the same time

Aim Assist won't compensate for being shit. And aiming with two analog sticks rather than a mouse requires much better hand-eye coordination. Anyway I'm a PC gamer too, I just really don't see why some PCfags are so against the idea of FPSs on consoles, they work, they work well. Don't see the problem.

Also, using a 360 controller you'll be managing 14 buttons at the same time. Lets say with a standard shooter on the PC you'll be using W,A,S,D, Ctrl, Shift, Space, Mouse 1, Mouse 2, Scrollwheel, Mouse 3, Mouse 4 (with a gaming mouse)... That's 12 buttons :p