The Game Thread

Also, using a 360 controller you'll be managing 14 buttons at the same time. Lets say with a standard shooter on the PC you'll be using W,A,S,D, Ctrl, Shift, Space, Mouse 1, Mouse 2, Scrollwheel, Mouse 3, Mouse 4 (with a gaming mouse)... That's 12 buttons

Depending on the game, there's also the leaning buttons, 1-0 for quick weapon change, other special buttons (melee, grenade throw, etc.). Most of the time you end up using at least a quarter of the keyboard (unless you're playing a console-port game :p)

That said, this discussion is unnecessary. Let pcfags be pcfags, and consolefags be consolefags. This is going nowhere.
Aim Assist won't compensate for being shit. And aiming with two analog sticks rather than a mouse requires much better hand-eye coordination. Anyway I'm a PC gamer too, I just really don't see why some PCfags are so against the idea of FPSs on consoles, they work, they work well. Don't see the problem.

Also, using a 360 controller you'll be managing 14 buttons at the same time. Lets say with a standard shooter on the PC you'll be using W,A,S,D, Ctrl, Shift, Space, Mouse 1, Mouse 2, Scrollwheel, Mouse 3, Mouse 4 (with a gaming mouse)... That's 12 buttons :p

Lets say that you pull controls out of your ass. 12 buttons? Hardly, feks one of my games use up pretty much the whole keyboard, thats about 100 keys, but lets trim off half since i dont use all of them constantly. Thats still 50 keys just on the keyboard. But this is the extreme, if you really claim to only use those 12, then i challenge your statement as being a PC gamer, unless all you play is quake 3 :p

I still think Mouse + keyboard is superior for shooters though, i dont think that will ever change. I mean i've followed FPS on consoles since what, goldeneye on N64, didn't like it then, and nothings changed that ever since. But then again i dont consider myself a "casual gamer" in the modern sense(though hardly a "hardcore gamer")

Either way, this wont go anywhere, I'll go play Red Orchestra now :p
I have nothing better to do so i'll list shit I use in MW2:

WASD (move)
Shift (sprint)
Ctrl (go prone)
Space (jump, climb)
Q (weapons swap)
C (crouch)
F (use/interact)
Tab (scoreboard)
R (reload)
4 (killstreaks)

M1 (shoot)
M2 (ADS)
M3 middle mouse click (flash/stun)
M4 (melee)
M5 (frag/sticky grenade)
Scroll wheel down (for full-auto barrett/pistols)

That's quite a bit to keep track of.

Also only reason I hate aim assist is because it makes quickscoping so easy for consolfags :(
Quickscoping is for fags anyway, if you want to be a cunt with a Barrett use an ACOG scope on it. But don't quickscope.

Anyway, I'm not denying that PCs are better for shooters. I just don't see what is so blasphemous about console shooters.
^ Nothing if you're used to it. Although they do tend to get a bit nerfed compared to some PC shooters.
I have nothing better to do so i'll list shit I use in MW2:

WASD (move)

WERD (W=left, E=forward, R=right and D=back) is much better and more comfortable...You do have to get used to it, but once you do you'll never go back to WASD :D
Woah, I suppose that does make more sense as you generally go forwards much more than backwards, so you can keep your fingers in a more natural position.
I'd disagree with that actually. Since the middle finger is longer than others, WASD is more natural. But WERD feels like it'd make mapping out other keys easier.
It does feel kinda better, but only on the movement part, i have problems accessing Z X C and <, and especially ALT in a timely manner :/
I completely chance the key setup for FPS games. I use Space to walk, mouse 2 to jump, C to crouch, v to reload, A to use/interact with objects...etc. Just feels right and easier, you hardly have to move your hand :p
^oh yeah my bad

anyway the worst controls in FPS were in the late 90's where a bunch of games had set by default the 4 direction keys, right ctrl/shift for crouch/sprint/whatever, 0(numpad) to reload or some shit like that.
Aye that was bollocks, if you were right handed (like most people) you had to sit with your keyboard/laptop to the left. Which is shit because I always sit as centered as possible when gaming... But maybe that's just me.