The Game Thread

Looking forward to Portal 2 ^^

Buuuuuut... I think I'm looking forward to this more, estimated bullet trajectories on heads up display = win. And that's one of the best looking interpretations of active camouflage I've seen in a game.

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It really doesn't.


Other games I've seen with optical camouflage always just make the character look liquid, in this they've actually managed to make it look like a solid object is warping the light.
To my eyes, it just looks like a really blurry see-through bloke, as in every other game.
The difference might be cool if you can see it but it's pretty much unnoticeable difference to me.
I like the combination of the sound of it + hitting enemies, weird I know haha.

It has an insane damage output, combine it with stopping power and try it out for yourself.

Although the irons kind of sucks on it, and the red dot is the most horrid scope i've ever used, but getting holo for it is worth it.

I think my best Killstreak is... 41 kills without dying. I got the nuke and just kept going to see what I could get and that's what I ended up with. By the end of the match when I called in the nuke I was 50 something and 3 I think :l

I haven't had a match that good in awhile though. Not going for a nuke anyways. Shit is stressful.