The Game Thread

dur hur killstreak over 50 dur hur hur hur


I haven't had a match that good in awhile though. Not going for a nuke anyways. Shit is stressful.

Going for ANY killstreak is stressing as fuck. I play for fun and let the killstreaks come to me :o
Oh god, i looked at the E3 video of the new Medal of Honor

what a load of shit

"Tier 1 Operator"

"Combat beard"

These guys ACTUALLY turned to fucking 4chan to find out whats "cool in the military" right now.

I don't even know what to say :lol:

Gameplay looked alright though, but the interviewer called the game "Modern Warfare" unintentionally during the interview with one of the devs, and i could really see why he made that mistake.

Interview in question, in case anyone wonders:
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I think I'll get it if I find myself with some cash to unload on games for lulz, but I won't get it at the release. It doesn't look like a bad GAME, but the gimmick of it made me do a mental facepalm, lulz
Haven't actually seen real gameplay of it untill now. It looks EXACTLY like BFBC2! (Yeah I know same people who made it)

And I thought to myself "Ah cool at least they got the EOTechs realistic enough", but then there was only a small dot and they called it a red dot sight >8(
:lol: not that it matters any fucking bit, the point of an EOTech completely disappears in a video game. Maybe when we're playing on giant 5000x3000 pixel screens with full 3D depth, you'd get a sort of use for an eotech. Other than that, its just another fancy dot sight, and matters fuck all.

Thats also the reason why they include magnified scopes like the ACOG in such games too, because the resolution is so small compared to what our eyes and depth perception gives us. ACOGs are usually only issued to soldiers expecting engagements at what, 3-500 yards/meters?

But since games don't allow the same resolution our eyes provide us, a game soldier presents such a tiny target, even at 75 in game meters.

But it seems we're going to get there within this decade, E3 seems to have a lot of focus on 3D this year, and we can only hope it turns into a trend benificial to gaming experience. Looking at how the prices have dropped for 24+ inch computer screens, this decade is going to be interesting!
I think Medal of Honor just looked at SF in Afghanistan and their was there inspiration. I prefer to liberate Nazi occupide Europe, than pretend to shoot dune people in Tora Bora. The Game.
^Aye, they supposedly contacted "real SF" or something in the likes, or based upon their experiences. I wonder if there's actually something called Tier 1, doubt it though.

@Frank, I ment cosmetically. But there is no point in any kind of holo/aimpoint sight since once you aim down the sight, it's locked right there.
yeah i know that, but even so, cosmetically its almost worse in a game, it just ads more distortion to your field of view, rather than give you the benefit you get in real life(easier to see, this is defeated by how the game will bring it in the center of your screen no matter what, bringing no doubt to where your bullets are going to hit. Not to mention the use of the circle as for judging distance, i've only ever had to use that in Arma, almost no other game has engagements at those ranges).
I'm not huge fan of driving games, but I have to get this one when it's released. First Gran Turismo is so far the best driving game I've ever played and I really hope that GT5 isn't only good graphics.

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recommend me some shotting game, that isn't very heavy, or that doesn't require much of the pc, since i'll be running on a laptop