The Game Thread

Halo Reach is gonna be SICK!!!! The campaign mode is supposed to be a lot longer than ODST so that makes me really happy. No being Arbitor(spelling?) on the new one least in campaign mode.

Also, am I the only one excited for Bulletstorm? It looks pretty fucking fun.
I know half of you hate console gaming, but I can't wait on Sims 3 to come to 360 :)

>console gaming

I know half of you hate console gaming, but I can't wait on Sims 3 to come to 360 :)

I don't hate consoles, I hate when people think they are better, or just as easy to control a shooter or a point and click game on one. Just because you are used to a thumb-pad doesn't mean you wouldn't be better once getting used to a mouse and keyboard. I strongly prefer a console for a fighting game, and racing games can be nearly unplayable on a PC without a wheel. GTA4 was rough to control on PC when you were in car.

Also its not gay to play the sims, its gay to pay for it.
Halo Reach is gonna be SICK!!!! The campaign mode is supposed to be a lot longer than ODST so that makes me really happy. No being Arbitor(spelling?) on the new one least in campaign mode.

I agree. Alot of stuff about that game still has me very curious. I don't think you can dual wield weapons in it, I haven't seen it in any of the gameplay of it yet. I really like that you now pretty much make the main character of the campaign look like whatever you want. The main thing that I think the Halo series always needed was a better ranking system, and more unlockable shit to tie in with that and now that they finally have that I'm like :OOOOOO

The Elites even look cool enough to want to play as them now :) I never liked them before all that much, but now they look pretty freakin' cool

I don't hate consoles, I hate when people think they are better, or just as easy to control a shooter or a point and click game on one. Just because you are used to a thumb-pad doesn't mean you wouldn't be better once getting used to a mouse and keyboard. I strongly prefer a console for a fighting game, and racing games can be nearly unplayable on a PC without a wheel. GTA4 was rough to control on PC when you were in car.

Also its not gay to play the sims, its gay to pay for it.

I think it's pretty ignorant for people to be so biased to just say that one thing is better than the other. I think each are better for certain things, like you said.

And unfortunately, being a console gamer, it's a little harder for me to pirate games without having my LIVE banned, or just use of my console online in general blocked :l

All that aside, I recently went on an Ebay binge and bought a few games, including Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars, Halo Wars, Gears of War: Refresh, and The Force Unleashed :]
So who else besides me is excited to pay 49.99 a year to play xbox live now.

Fucking bullshit.

Seriously considering trading it for a PS3.
It's less than we pay.

How much do you have to pay for a year?

I was only paying 39.99 now What is so improved now that I have to pay more.

I don't mind paying more for things if they can explain why there is a price increase.
They're adding ESPN and like webcam shit to it now, but I agree. The 1 year cards are now going to be 60 dollars starting in november.
So they add a bunch of shit I never even use and I still have to pay more. Then who knows if they are gonna start charging extra just to play the CoD games online.

I think I see myself with a PS3 in the near future. Good bye microsoft, you money grubbing whores.
I like how the solution to not pay $50 a month is to go pay $200 on a new console that will be obsolete in 2-3 years.
So they add a bunch of shit I never even use and I still have to pay more. Then who knows if they are gonna start charging extra just to play the CoD games online.

I think I see myself with a PS3 in the near future. Good bye microsoft, you money grubbing whores.

Microsoft have always been moneygrabbers, just deal with it.
I like how the solution to not pay $50 a month is to go pay $200 on a new console that will be obsolete in 2-3 years.

Pay for new console? Who said anything about that?

I know people with PS3's that will trade me all day long for my Elite xbox. Plus the PS3 has blue ray.

I also then wouldn't have to worry about the dreaded red ring of death that has plauged the xbox.