The Game Thread

On PS3 I have played these games (the ones worth a mention)

*Silent Hill V (somewhat disappointing again for a big SH fan, missed the point of SH, far fetched monster ideas and the fighting mode was an insult for what's supposed to be a psychological horror game, game ended in what felt like midway, couldn't reach the emotion of SH2 and SH3)

*Dead Space (nice, I like this stuff, blowing the shit out of monsters in grotesque space ship, good game that had some spirit to it and actually felt kinda real, cool monsters that managed to surprise and scare the crap outta me one or two times)

*Resident Evil 5 (nice shooting game, good graphics, although lacked the feeling of RE4)

*Siren Blood Curse (very 'Japanese', game with personality in the spirit of dumbass Americans end up in a Japanese horror scene)

*F1 2010 (finally an F1 simulator without so much stupid flaws in car control)

It's also an incredibly boring and poorly executed film. The characters are so stupid that you WANT them to become a centipede and die.

Thanks for the suggestions about games though :D and no, I'm not an oldskewlfag, I'm a funfag.
But that's what most horror flicks sell by. Idea, and the artwork. You never know what's inside. The cover might look promising, but the movie turns out to be a piece of fucking shit filmed by a bunch of teen fags with a cell phone camera (I could name a basketful if I started digging). Or the coverart might not say much, but the movie turns out to be a psychologically masterfuly intelligent 'adult' movie, like AntiChrist.
This. Nemesis was the last good game imo.
I think Nemesis was the weakest game from the PS1 era Resident Evils, though it was still a great game. RE2 is imo one of the best games ever made and RE1 is a classic. I really hope that I could someday get my hands on the GC Remake. Code Veronica is also one of my favourites and Zero is also great, though I haven't finished that one yet. RE4 is one of the best PS2 games I've ever played. Thought it didn't have so much survival horror feeling, it still was still very atmospheric, especially at few boss battles. But Resident Evil 5 is a fucking epic fail. Ok, it's a good game, with friends the game is fun as hell but I don't understand why the fuck Crapcom advertised the game with the phrase "The fear you cannot forget" because the game hasn't got anything to do with fear. It's pure shooter, only thing I was scared of was Jill Valentine's new hairstyle. And all bosses were straight from japanese tentacle porn with very few exceptions. I've completed the game 100% and though it has the online co-op possibility, I would choose RE4 anytime over RE5 though I have completed RE4 something like 20-25 times. But I really hope that Resident Evil Revelations will be more horror-based game than RE5. I'm not expecting pure horror game but I would be satisfied if it had even a little bit more or less horror elements than RE4.
It's pure shooter, only thing I was scared of was Jill Valentine's new hairstyle. And all bosses were straight from japanese tentacle porn with very few exceptions.

The tentacle porn thing is why I started losing interest after 3 where I started to feel like I was playing a game killing mutants as opposed to zombies. 4 was a great game, but in my opinion that's where you could start to notice them going in a different direction with the series. I can't complain about the upgrade to a 3rd person shooter even though I didn't care for 4 or 5 that much. The original 3 games it was a royal pain to control your character and aim and whatnot, so it did need that upgrade in my opinion.
Enmity5566;9497212´ said:
The original 3 games it was a royal pain to control your character and aim and whatnot, so it did need that upgrade in my opinion.
I have never... and I really mean NEVER had any problems with controls of RE-games. I'm really sick of people who complain about controls and the best thing is that most of those people haven't played the game for more than five minutes. Of course it's hard to control the character if you're playing the game for the first time. If you have difficulties after playing two or three hours, you're just blaming controls for you inability to play the game. For example, you are playing your first RE3: Nemesis playthrough. You're doing it on hard (because easy mode is for retards who have two left hands) and ok, it's pain in the ass to try to kill Nemesis at the front of R.P.D station. Motherfucker is fast and strong as hell and what you've got? 45 rounds in a handgun and if you're lucky you have five rounds in the shotgun. There's no way you can beat him but you still keep trying and trying and every single time you die you just blame controls. It's fucking pathetic and I've seen many people doing this. I mean... on my first playthrough (which I did on hard) I could easily beat Nemesis only with the Eagle 6.0 handgun. I'm not saying that there are kazillion people who can't play the game, but what I'm saying is that if people had a little bit more patience these days, controls wouldn't be a problem to people who are trying to play the game.
Don't be stupid, the controls are bollocks - broken on purpose - and the only reason they are like that is because the game would be too easy if they weren't. The fact that it's even POSSIBLE for you to be killed by corpses who walk at 5cm/second is a testament to that fact. Stop being a fanboy.

Oh, and these games suck anyway.
Don't be stupid, the controls are bollocks - broken on purpose - and the only reason they are like that is because the game would be too easy if they weren't.
It's a matter of taste. I've always loved controls that aren't affected by the camera angle, like first five Tomb Raiders and many other adventure games. Of course it makes the game a lot harder but if you can't beat RE3 on hard mode, it's just pure lack of skill.

Stop being a fanboy.
No, I won't :)
Even Dawn of the Dead commented on this. They just ran around the zombies because of how slow they all were.

The only reason a zombie would kill someone is because someone hesitates to kill it (usually because they think the animated dead is still their loved one)...not because of their aim, they have plenty of time to shoot.
I have a feeling that 90% of you will be flipping out as much as I did when you see this :)

It was just announced last night, and it's due for November 2011. They said they've actually been working on it since they finished Fallout 3. It's going to take place in Skyrim (Fuck yeah! Nords ftw!) and there is even talk of multiplayer (holy shit). Either way, I don't think I've ever been this excited for a game ever.