The Game Thread

I tried playing Oblivion but it didn't seem like such a OMGJIZZTASTIC GAEM DERP.


Mafia 2 is good, although you spend 2/3's of it driving around where they could easily just put a cutscene instead.

The Godfather 1 is OK, although it is ridicoulus. I go in a business and clear it of enemy mobsters, going to extort the owner and suddenly 4 guys spawn behind me with guns. Fuck this game.
Might as well post this here :p A little something I put together in UDK

I didn't make any of the level or the characters. All I did was the animation and camera work.
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I didn't know whether I should write this in the Random Shit thread or here, so whatever :lol:
I've just re-downloaded Mafia I just for the sake of it, cause I used to play it 5-6 years ago, and good lord I suck at it much more than I used to back then :lol: It took me like one hour to complete 3 missions and I got stuck at the 4th one and I practically flailed my gun in front of the mafia guy so he started yelling at everyone else before I even got to shoot him, so I freaked out and got in the car and ran away with 3 cars AND a madman with a gun chasing me, then they were getting closer and closer and bumping into me, so I said FUCK POLICE and I took off the speed limit option thing, and then police actually detected me :lol: So I got 3 mafia cars PLUS a police one PLUS a madman with a gun running after me and all my self-control faded away and I bumped into a wall big time and then they bumped my rear and I couldn't move the car anymore, then they got me out of my car and I started poking them with my baseball stick and police came and arrested me when I had 32 life left. FUCK YEAH, I felt like a fucking hero for a second, and then I realized I actually failed even harder this way, cause I didn't even die in glory, and the mission ended anyway, so I exited the game and it stopped responding, so I restarted and (THINK I) lost everything, or maybe I didn't, but then again, I'll never play that shit again so :lol:

tl;dr I fail at games, and who would've thought I was actually planning to play Mafia II. Ha ha. :cool:

edit: THERE ARE CHEATS :kickass: ! Didn't use them when I played the game first time and it went pretty smoothly, probably smoother than it will go even WITH cheats now. :lol: But I don't care, I'll use the fact I'm a girl as an excuse. :lol: Wouldn't be the first time, and I can live with it :lol:

edit2: can't even get the damned passwords to work :lol: Oh well, Sims or nothing. :(
Haha! I bought Mafia a couple of months ago, and i honestly havent gotten much farther.. Games were harder back in the days yo

Just bought Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon after me and my dad spent the entire last night talking about old war games we used to play(i got him the Delta Force collection, first games we played together)
So yeah, looking forward to some nostalgia there.
The genre itself sucks, that's the problem.

"Immersible" in oblivion's case seems to be a code word for "empty shell character without personality of any kind". It's a bit like twilight if you think about it, except more explicit.
Fallout New Vegas
My brother bought the game few weeks ago. I haven't played it yet but if it is as good as people say, I'm gonna love it like I Fallout 3.

By the way, has anyone played Dead Space, Devil May Cry 4 or Brutal Legend? I ordered those three days ago when I had nothing else to do with my money. I know that Devil May Cry 4 is gonna be great cause no one has said it's worse than DMC2. I have no idea about Dead Space. I tested the Dead Space 2 demo other day and after that I had to buy the first one, though it may not be as polished as it's follower. And what comes to Brutal Legend... I don't even know why the hell I bought that. Maybe it was the low price (12€) or it's demo left a nice first impression. Well, I'll see that when I get my hands to it.
Fallout: New Vegas is awesome. Clearly the Best Fallout since Fallout 2. For casual gamers it might look just like Fallout 3 at first glance, but anyone who is familiar with the original games immediately notices the difference. Although people have complained about the bugs etc. I haven't noticed much (I play on PC), but still it's clearly a lot more polished than Obsidian's games in general.

The genre itself sucks, that's the problem.

Well that's just like your opinion, man.

"Immersible" in oblivion's case seems to be a code word for "empty shell character without personality of any kind". It's a bit like twilight if you think about it, except more explicit.

Well, in a game where you create a character yourself, how could it have any kind of personality unless you create one yourself?
Did that some months ago.. somehow it sucked, that was kinda sad because I used to love that thing and all the games but they werent as good as I imagined :( super star wars is still pretty cool but thats it
Well, in a game where you create a character yourself, how could it have any kind of personality unless you create one yourself?

That's the point.

Of course anyone is completely entitled to find it fun/like the game, but the "immersible rpg" bit is a bit of an abuse of terminology.
I still like exploring an entire open world and feeling like a part of it instead of just going through level after level. In those games such as Fallout and Oblivion, it's not so much that you have a background already, instead you have to develop your character by doing certain things, good or bad, and that's what defines you. I really enjoy that. Your personality obviously doesn't show in simple conversation in the game, but your actions help a little. Either way, I just love those kind of games because there is always a lot to do, a lot to explore, and a lot of freedom of choice with weapons, stats, etc.