The Game Thread

Anyone excited for Duke Nukem Forever? Me either, it really looks shitty actually. Like it would have been good 3-4 years ago, when it was only 5-6 years late.

I remember having a old computer games magazine from 97/98 with a preview of that game in it...:loco::loco::loco:
I lost my last bits of interest toward Duke Nukem Forever when I saw its metascores (PC 57, PS3 55, X360 49). I've never been huge friend of first person shooters and my favourite DN game is Manhattan Project, but I still expected DNF to be a little bit better game than most first person shooters these days but all we got was the most overhyped game of 2011 :/
I lost my last bits of interest toward Duke Nukem Forever when I saw its metascores (PC 57, PS3 55, X360 49). I've never been huge friend of first person shooters and my favourite DN game is Manhattan Project, but I still expected DNF to be a little bit better game than most first person shooters these days but all we got was the most overhyped game of 2011 :/

Did someone actually believe for a second, that the game would be even decent? :guh: You can't like it even with ultra-thick nostalgia-glasses on, after all it's totally generic, linear and boring FPS which has got nothing on the big (or even a lot of mediocre) first person shooters on the market right now.
I think when it was just announced, I was still skeptical but a part of me kinda wanted it to kick ass. But as screens and a trailer got released, I gave up. Haven't played it, and not gonna bother.

I'll rather play some Fallout: New Vegas and nerd out hardcore.. Steam says i have 158 hours in that game so far :/ ://////
Did you guys see the Far Cry 3 trailer? I thought it was exceptionally ironic when the dude describes what insanity is (in light of what Far Cry 2 was).