The GMD Social Hobby Thread

What's wrong with pay to play? If you don't have the money, don't play. :/ It's that simple. It's like with me right now. I don't have the funds to purchase new cards so I stick to playing with my vast (30,000+) array of older cards. That's fine by me.

And that doesn't detract from the quality of the experience you get when you are able to pay for it; compared to what seems like a neutered, "discount", version of the same thing.

Long story short, with gaming you get what you pay for.
So LOL I WIN CAUSE I SKIPPED MY RENT. Sweet. That's not gaming.
But in a tourney everyone skips their rent so it isn't pay to win it is pretty much pay to play.
And well it sometimes sucks (like with tarmogoyf) but mostly it adds to the experiance and I like "pimping" my deck with rare versions of cards anyway.

I mean I rather spend my money on rare cards than buy into warhammer thats super expensive all the time anyway (I've do/done both but that's beside the point ;) ), with mtg you have the option to just buy packs and play with your friends and then MtG is hardly expensive.
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Havent played D&D in a long time.
Really missing it.
I need to get my game with the boys (10 and 12) going. Maybe tomorrow

Was also planning on doing some snow riding though.
But I think we have band practice. blah! I need to play metal, dammit!
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In what way is any CCG not pay-to-win?

In Type 2 formats. Where you only use the most recent two blocks of cards. These are common formats in tournaments and the cards are not very expensive yet. Sure it might cost you $100 for a good deck or so. But it's not like casual decks which can use black lotus and such.

Give it some credit too, there is some skill and strategy involved. A terrible player with great cards could still be defeated. "I play black lotus on turn 1 to put this 1/1 goblin into play, and take mana burn for 2". It's not Entirely pay to win, but that can be a factor sure.
Tbh, even standard is expensive as hell typically. But in the hundreds range rather than "second mortgage" that is legacy/vintage.
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OK then booster draft tournaments lol. It's like $15 and everyone has the same odds of winning.

Well that's not bad, and obviously if someone like me went and dumped a bunch of money on what are supposed to be elite cards and showed up tomorrow to play someone I'd lose anyway. But just the general principle annoys me.
I bought a shit ton of legacy cards from Dødens years ago. That's the basis of my collection. He had a copy of Pernicious Deed so it wasn't all bad..

Yeah, he once told me that was the only worthwhile interaction with you that he ever had. Oh, Dodens.
My table top RPG group started a new game the other night: Spirit of the Century. We previously did Apocalypse World, but that was pretty chaotic, which was fun, but it wasn't that structured. Spirit of the Century seems like it'll be more enjoyable. So far all we've done is setup our characters and the world, but I'm digging it so far

Our gamemaster also got a dice tower, so that was fun to play with
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