The GMD Social Hobby Thread

I'd wager that it's actually you that is the exception. Stank ass MGT players still haunt my memories.
That goes for most gaming in general, not just MTG though. Hardcore video gamers (the kind that do competitions and shit) are as bad if not worse. Total Cheeto and Mountain Dew crowd.
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Most of the Halo and COD MLG pros I know are actually very cool people. A lot of athletes and jock types who are ultra competitive. But that's a different world compared to what you guys are talking about.
True I guess, my point is that MTG players are hardly the worst in terms of hygiene. I've encountered a ton of video gamers, 40K players, and D&D players that are at least as bad if not worse in my day.
Y'all have never been invited for 4+ player vidya gaming before??? What sheltered lives you live.
When it came to vidya gamers I was generally the only one who was showered. Dew, pizza and Cheetos everywhere.
One of the few times I engaged in 'social' gaming outside my normal group, I was told to make people sandwiches multiple times and stormed the fuck away from them before I punched someone. Another time I was grilled about lore because apparently if you don't know slaneesh's blood type, you're a poser. Almost punched those faggy little virgins too.

Never again. I'll stick with my tried and true neckbeards, thanks. We stink the same and it feels like home.
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^ Shouldve been playing Diablo II instead. :v

Speaking of, I want to get back into D2 but I know it is going to be literally a hundred times harder than last time as the trading community has sorta tanked. It's gonna be nearly impossible to get godly, and that's my goal in the first place. So meh.
^why don't you just play by yourself? Fuck online. Fucking people with their bots and stuff. Just play through for the pure joy of being alone and gathering rares and achieving victory by yourself.
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I enjoy the interaction with other players. Admittedly now it is nearly gone, but back in my time (2003-2008) the game was rife with player activity, despite the abundance of bots. Closed Bnet on USEast was where it was at back in the day. I got godly quite a few times.
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I enjoy playing MtG i tournaments and generally with strangers much more than Warhammer. Mostly because I look at the game much more competitive and like building tier 1 decks and tuning them etc. Commander and janky causal is not for me. Even though I enjoy the flavor in MtG and kind of follow the story, love alot of the art and am pretty picky with my editions of certain cards I would never build a theme deck or anything. In those enviorments people are often more tense and seam rude, but it comes with the territory imo.

When it comes to warhammer I spend alot of time painting and modelling (and I'm really picky when it comes to WYSIWYG) and making a story and/or theme for the army which sometimes impacts and limits my army selection. Picking an army that is a big flavor fail is a big no no imo. To then go up against a rules lawyering cheese monster is not my kind of fun, I rather play against people I know who share my vision and idea of fun. You know, half roleplaying as the commander or something. ;)

If we are speaking of hygien I haven't noticed any difference between the too, I think it is mostly the same crowd even though MtG-players have a much worse reputation. By far the worst I've experianced are the LAN-parties I went to in the 90s playing Quake World and what not, pretty gross when you think back.
I enjoy the interaction with other players. Admittedly now it is nearly gone, but back in my time (2003-2008) the game was rife with player activity, despite the abundance of bots. Closed Bnet on USEast was where it was at back in the day. I got godly quite a few times.

I used to play this. I had a level 99 Amazon, Barbarian and Sorceress and a lot of legit prepatch items that were probably the last ones of their kind on that server. I sold my account for money.